Page 92 of In the Dark

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We stayedup way too late again, but this video game is addicting, and it is the only reason I can tolerate being here.

Dad came home Sunday and gave me the oddest look as soon as he noticed me standing in the kitchen. So, I packed my duffels—all three of them—and left with the comment that I’d be staying at Wes’s. Of course, he didn’t even blink. Camped out with his computer and files on the kitchen table, he barely acknowledged me before lowering his gaze back to the screen. Mom was prepping lunch, and despite her initial glance toward her husband, she didn’t try to stop me either.

Unclenching my fists, I force one foot in front of the other before I give in to the urge to haul his fucking laptop against the wall. Keeping Lilly safe is one thing, but cutting your son loose over it—who the hell does that?

This morningI wake up to a text from Denielle.

Call me.

My hand tightens around the phone. Something is wrong with Lilly; there is no other reason for Den to message me this early—or at all. Wes is still snoring, but I don’t give two shits if I wake him up. Den picks up on the second ring, and before she can say hello, I blurt out, "What’s wrong with her?"

She sighs, "Good morning, Rhys. I’m good. Thanks for asking."

"Den, don’t fuck with me. You’ve never asked me to call you. What. Is. Wrong. With. Her?" I’m shaking at this point, and Wes has opened his eyes, staring at me, alarmed.

"Dude, chill. She’s fine. I think."

She thinks?

"YOU THINK?" Great, now I’m shouting.

"Lilly canceled our workout this morning."

That’s all I need to hear. I’m off the couch that I’ve called my bed for the past week, scrambling to find my pants.

"Hold your horses. I’ll send you a screenshot."

There is silence on the other end, and then my phone vibrates against my ear. I pull it away and read the short text message exchange. Fuck. Me. How did I not consider the nightmares when I chose to stay away like a freaking pussy?

When I don’t speak, Den says, "I’m going to tell her to come over. My parents are gone this weekend. You guys can all stay here ‘til Monday."

Two days with Lilly. Alone. No hiding. My lower region immediately stands at attention—no need to think about what I’m going to do. "What time?"

"Eleven. Be here before that."

The small alarm clock on Wes’s bedside table shows ten-fifteen.

"Give me twenty." Den lives only a few blocks from Wes’s house. Twenty minutes gives me plenty of time to shower and drive over.

Before I hang up, Denielle says, "Bring Wes, since I’m safe to assume that I won’t see much of youormy best friend for the rest of the weekend." Her tone is light, and all the tension leaves my body.

"Den?" My voice is soft.


"Thank you." And I mean it.

She chuckles. "Anything for our girl."

After Lilly’sbest friend all but threatens to make out with Wes, I pick Lilly up and throw her over my shoulder, smacking her butt.

"Rhyyyys!" she squeals and swats at my ass.

Ignoring the laughter following us up the stairs, I make my way to the first guest room I can find.

At least I hope it is a guest room.

Inside, I can’t kick the door shut fast enough and almost lose my balance in the process.
