Page 54 of Because of the Dar

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A faint blush spreads over her cheeks, and I prop my elbow on the middle console, leaning over to her. Her eyes fly to my mouth, and I smirk.

King angles her body so her leg rests on the seat. Impatience taking over, I reach for her. She opens up without hesitation, and when her warm tongue connects with mine, my single-minded brain fast-forwards to what else she could do with her mouth tonight.

Jesus, I don't remember ever wanting someone this bad.

I let my hand glide from the nape of her neck to her cheek and break the kiss, leaning my forehead against hers. "Let's go."

"Hurry." King has her eyes closed and swipes her lips against mine as she says the word. Her tone is like a purr, and I shift in my seat. I should've worn sweatpants.

We both move back to our own seats, but she weaves our fingers together in the middle. Her head is slanted toward me, and a soft smile turns the corner of her mouth upward.

I reach over with my other hand to shift the truck into gear, not wanting to let go of her. Peering at her out of my peripheral vision, I say, "You look happy."

"I am." She squeezes my hand.

I draw in a deep breath, and as I slowly let the air out, all the tension I've held—for what feels like years—leaves my body. Where her skin is connected with mine, a tingling sensation begins to spread, and goose bumps erupt on my arm. Her thumb begins to stroke back and forth over my knuckles, and a sigh escapes me. I fight the urge to close my eyes and fully give in to the sensation.

We reach the townhouse,and I pull straight into the garage. I can't decide if I want to fuck this girl's brains out or simply fall asleep with her in my arms. The fierce need to protect her from everything and everyone makes my muscles coil, but at the same time, I haven't felt peace like this in…I don't know if I ever have.

With my hand in hers, I guide her from the garage up the stairs. Through the door leading onto the first floor, I hear laughter and someone hooting like a fucking lunatic. I frown.

"Sounds like Kai has company," King says quietly behind me, a pang of disappointment in her statement.

"At least it doesn't seem to be a full-blown party or mass orgy," I mumble to myself, but she hears it and snorts. "Are you sure about that?"

I'm spared the response as we enter the living room and find Kai, Mack, Zeke, and—

"Kiwi?" King's confusion mimics my surprise at finding her BFF in my living room.

"Hey, Roe-Roe." He grins, and I take in his leg pressed against Zeke's.

Mack cracks up out of nowhere, and I narrow my eyes.

What have we walked in on?

I wasn't gone that long. How the hell did this happen? The house was empty when I left.

I take in the beer bottles on the table and scan my roommate's face as he lifts his drink in my direction. "We're playingwhat would you not be able to do when…?"

"Huh?" I glance between the four guys spread out on the couch. Before I can ask anything else, King lets go of my hand, clapping hers together and jumping in place.

"Oh, oh, I wanna play!"

I stare at her incredulously. She rarely gets this animated unless she is pissed or—as I discovered—horny.

Her head swivels in my direction, and she beams. "It's something Kiwi and I used to play as kids to pass the time." Her excitement dims slightly. "Usually, it revolved more around topics like what would you do if our electricity would not be turned on again? Or what wouldn't you be able to do if—"

"Dude, that's fucking depressing," Mack exclaims as he lifts his beer to his lips.

"Well, hit me, then. What was your last would/wouldn't question?" my girl challenges him, and Kiwi's eyes widen. He shakes his head slightly, but I don't think anyone notices.

Kai leans forward and rests his forearms on his thighs, his bottle dangling between two fingers. "I asked the guys what they wouldn't be able to do anymore if they only had one hand."

The fuck?

"Oh, that's easy." King perks up, and all eyes are on her.

"Yeah? Let's hear it." Kai smirks.

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