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Bryce almost laughed, because that’s what a lot of people said about Dwight. He was just beauty in motion when he was fielding the ball. Funny that he would have that feeling about a farm girl in North Dakota herding cattle.

But Bryce knew Dwight was serious, and he wasn’t a player. He was the kind of straight shooter that was hard to find.

Still, he and the twin were never going to make it, and he couldn’t believe Dwight didn’t see that.

“You could go to the auction tomorrow and just tell me about her afterwards,” Dwight said with a small smile. Then he shook his head. “Never mind. She’d end up falling for you, and that would be just my luck.”

“I hardly think so,” Bryce said, unable to even pull his lips up. There was no smile in him over that. Once upon a time, he might have laughed and said something about trying to steal her away, although he’d never do that to his friend. And he had no interest in the Baldwin twin.

The lady that had been here earlier today had caught his eye, but she had been easy enough to scare off. Like everyone else.

Daisy, lying at his feet, lifted her head and growled low in her throat.

It was just a ruse, because Daisy was gentle and loving.

“It’s probably just the wind,” he said, leaning down and patting the top of her head.

“You’d think she would have gotten used to it by now. You’ve been here almost a year, and it hasn’t quit blowing the entire time,” Dwight said, not angrily but maybe a little annoyed. The wind could get to a person out here.

“I think it might be someone coming,” Bryce said with his eyes on Duke. He had his head up as well, a small growl coming out of his throat.

Bryce looked at the window, out at the darkness that was descending. It was an odd time for anyone to visit. And an odd time for anyone to get lost. Usually, curiosity seekers came out during the day.

For some reason, his mind went again to the woman who had been there that morning.

He truly had wanted someone to catalog his books. But he didn’t want someone beautiful. Someone with fire in her eyes and long, flowing hair. Someone who was slender and kind. Who had enough spirit to put him in his place.

Yeah, he definitely didn’t want someone like that.

He wanted a grandmotherly old woman or a wizened old man. Or maybe some teenager, who might get the books confused but wouldn’t tempt him with the maturity in her face and the knowledge that the world wasn’t fair, knowledge that matched his.

But Dwight was right, because in the fading dusk, he could see headlights.

“Maybe they’ll leave,” he said dispassionately. It couldn’t be anyone who actually wanted to see him.

Still, he had barely uttered the words when his eyes went to the window again. The hair on the back of his neck pricked, and he studied the car intently.

Was it blue?

He was pretty sure it was, and it was old, and small, stopped, and a woman got out wearing a heavy coat, jeans, and boots with honey blonde hair falling around her shoulders.

“Wow. She’s a looker,” Dwight said. “You didn’t tell me you had a girlfriend?” He looked at his friend, his brows raised.

“I don’t.” Maybe his words were a little surly, but the excitement that fumbled in his chest irritated him. He wanted to be nothing but annoyed, not...

Why would she be back out here?

He stood, walking with his gait that was never quite steady to the doorway, saying as he went, “This shouldn’t take long. I’ll be right back.”

“Oh, don’t worry, I’m coming too.”


He couldn’t say exactly why he didn’t want his friend hanging over his shoulder. Maybe his perfect face, unmarred by any accidents, maybe the fact that if a woman knew anything at all about baseball, she’d recognize him, and if she’d ever seen commercials on TV, she might recognize him too. He was the face of Friendly Fireplaces.

Yeah. Jealousy. That’s why he didn’t want Dwight to come out with him.

Dwight wouldn’t be offended. He’d actually probably understand, which was almost as annoying as if he really would be offended. He didn’t want anyone to have to be extra nice in order to be able to get along with him. But the fact of the matter was that was almost the point he was at.
