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“You can’t start something and then quit. Your team has just enough players to play, and if you quit, they won’t be able to.”

“None of them will care. I’m the worst player on the team, and I suck.”

“Your physical abilities will get better with practice, and practice is something that we know how to do. Your mental attitude needs to change though. Because if you think you suck, then you do.”

He lifted his head, his eyes narrowed, because he probably didn’t appreciate his mom agreeing with him.

“And if you think you don’t, then that’s going to be true as well.” She lifted her brows.

“Zeb Springfield offered to throw the ball with me and practice batting some, but I told him no.”

“Is he still here?” Peyton froze with her keys in her hand. Maybe that was the kid of the woman who sat behind them.

“I don’t know.”

“Can you find him?” she asked.

Owen lifted his head, looking around. “He’s over there.”

“Do you want to work with him some? Or would you rather do it with me?”

“I’m not going to get better either way.”

“Of course you’re not. Not with that attitude. Now answer my question.”

“I’ll tell him later. I just want to go home now.”

Peyton pressed the unlock button on her key fob and figured that her son could take the time he needed in order to get his head in the right space. She couldn’t force him to have the right attitude immediately, when she didn’t always have the right attitude immediately.

She hoped she’d given him the words he needed. Now he needed space to think about it. Hopefully he would and would come to the right conclusion.

Chapter 18

Christ as center of your home! - Sherie Cooper

