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“Can you spare some time for us?” he asked her, wanting to ask her so many other things. Things that were not appropriate for him to ask in front of the kids.

“Of course. I just didn’t want you thinking that I was slacking.”

“I’m the one who suggested it. And I’d rather have you playing with us than working. Those books will be here next year this time. Ten years from now.”

She smiled and nodded, as though as long as it was okay with him, it was perfectly fine with her as well.

He liked that, her hand in his, her agreement to be with him and her son to hang out with him and his daughter, and he was pretty sure they were going to have an amazing evening.

Chapter 19

#1. Communication is key; Love and Family - Priscilla in Western Australia


Peyton sat on the grass, Duke’s head in her lap.

Kendrick sat beside her, brushing Daisy’s hair. Duke already had his “makeover.” Hopefully he was in touch with his feminine side. He seemed okay with the hairclips that Kendrick had used to pull the hair on the top of his head between his ears into two little ponytails which stuck straight up in the air.

Peyton had to admit he looked adorable. And he was very long-suffering.

Kendrick had gotten tired of playing ball, and she and Peyton had been working on the dogs for over an hour while Bryce and Owen continued to pitch the ball to each other. Bryce had given Owen some tips. At least that’s what Peyton assumed he had been doing when he walked over and put his arm around Owen’s shoulders and spoke low in his ear.

She didn’t know much about baseball, but it looked like Owen was holding his glove at a slightly different angle, and he was releasing the ball sooner in the arc of his arm.

She also overheard Bryce telling Owen that they could work on batting some tomorrow afternoon.

Peyton hadn’t been planning on staying long after they ate Easter dinner together, but she supposed she didn’t have anything pressing to do at home.

“What do you think of this?” Kendrick said, taking Daisy’s head in both of her hands and turning it so Peyton could see the ponytails Kendrick had put on top of Daisy’s head.

“She matches Duke,” Peyton said with a smile. “She looks beautiful. You’re very good at that.” For as young as she was, she had the patience to sit and stick with what she’d chosen to do.

She’d given both of the dogs full-body grooming, and they’d both enjoyed it immensely.

“Thank you. I like doing this.” She spoke matter-of-factly, but then her face fell and her hand stilled. “I wish I could live here. With Daddy.”
