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“We’re here now. You can show us around, tell us what we need to watch, and at the very least, you can go out and talk to Bryce today, even if you don’t end up starting until later.” Charlene looked around the group. “Does that sound good to you ladies?”

The question was a bit perfunctory and a little bit for show, since they talked about it earlier and decided today was the best day to start.

Still, even Teresa looked almost natural as they nodded their heads and said, “We’d be glad to.”

Chapter 3

Touching and talking. Throughout the day reach out and touch your mate. Hold his hand rub your hand across his back touch his arm. Keep the spark alive. Talk to your mate not just about household things but like when you were dating. - Terry Silva - I am from Porterville, California


Bryce Shaker walkedthrough the kitchen of his mansion, past the sterile countertops, stainless steel appliances, high ceilings, and recessed lighting.

The sun was just coming up, and the breakfast nook had been perfectly placed to have an unobstructed view of the sunrise. It was one of his favorite places in the house, and he sat at the small table, setting his coffee down and sliding into a chair.

Not that he necessarily enjoyed the sunrise, although he supposed it was human nature to enjoy beauty of some sort.

It used to be he would look at the sunrise and see promise, eager to get out of bed and face his day.

Nowadays, it almost felt like God laughing at him.

After all, his dreams had been dashed, his face ruined forever, and his career over, because of a freak accident that God could have prevented.

But He hadn’t seen fit to, and now Bryce sat here in North Dakota, at the house he had always meant to retire to, miserable.

Because life hadn’t gone the way he wanted, expected, it to.

He heard people call him bitter and angry, and he supposed that was absolutely true. He felt bitter, and he definitely felt angry.

Life wasn’t fair, and he hadn’t gotten what he deserved.

His eyes shifted from the sunrise to a small mirror in the kitchen that sat above an old-fashioned buffet. On that buffet were several pictures of his daughter.

His look softened, and he almost felt like smiling as he stared at her.

She’d be eleven soon, and he couldn’t believe she was growing up so fast.
