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“All right. You do that.”

Kendrick was kinda cute, in a little girl kind of way, and he liked that she didn’t hold grudges. She could have stayed mad. She could have decided to not go along with his plan at all.

“I like you, Kendrick,” he said, and then she got that funny smile on her face that women did sometimes, and he wished he wouldn’t have said anything. It made him uncomfortable. The only one he liked to show his feelings to was his mom, and even then, he liked to be careful.

Chapter 21

Picking the right person - someone who shares your values and commitments and priorities. Someone who will put you first just like you put them first. Someone who will laugh with you and help you be the best person you can be. Someone who will support you and grow along with you as you mature in your faith and character. - Kate Schieber


Bryce turned with Peytonto walk her to her car. His hand fell from her cheek, but hers fell with his, and he slid his fingers between hers, linking them together.

She didn’t resist.

Lord, please give her some sign that I’d be good for her. And to her. And then help me grow into being the man that she needs.

They walked in silence around the house to where her car was parked. He hated that she was leaving, but he understood. And appreciated her sacrifice.

He didn’t think that she wanted to go any more than he wanted her to, but he loved that she was willing to step back in order to allow someone else to move in. Even a child. Especially a child. It showed a humbleness he admired.

“They look like they’re up to something, don’t they?” Peyton said under her breath as they approached her car.

He hadn’t seen Kendrick and Owen standing by the driver’s side door until she said something.

“They do.”

Owen looked deliberately casual, while Kendrick twisted her hands in front of her and could only be described as nervous. He didn’t know his daughter well enough to know if that was a normal state for her or not, but from the way she acted today, he would guess not.

He wanted a relationship with her. As much as he wanted one with Peyton. He wasn’t sure how to go about either one of those. Although Peyton had given him some good ideas for both of them.

He wished Kendrick did not feel threatened by Peyton, though. He supposed he couldn’t blame her and vowed that he would give her as much attention as he could, trying to convince her that he loved her and wanted her.

It was not hard to see that him sending her away had only made her feel unloved and unwanted. He hadn’t meant to do that at all.

“I think you guys have something on your mind. Want to share?” he said as Peyton and he stopped by the car. Maybe he should have pulled his hand away from Peyton’s, put some space between them, but it was all he could do not to wrap his arm around her and pull her closer. Holding hands seemed like a good compromise.
