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As Tuck neared orgasm, he tightened his grip on her head and began to slam into her mouth. “That’s it,” he crooned. “Almost there.” As Tuck’s orgasm rolled in, he made sure that Greta’s nose was buried against his pubic bone. Though she bucked in an attempt to breathe, he continued to hold her there until she had swallowed all of his cum. Stepping back, he slapped her face a couple times with his flaccid cock, before turning to Rita. “See what she did?Thatis how you should suck cock. Now, I want you to show Greta all those beautiful sounds you make when I touch you.” Tuck stepped toward Rita, but there was a crash over their heads, and a dog barked. It was Casey.

Jared has found me.


Jared ran to Drake. “They’re going to the Channel Islands,” he managed to blurt out as the two men looked at him.


“We need to head toward the Channel Islands. It’s where he said he was heading, and he’s got more than thirty minutes on us. We have to hurry.”

“How did you find this out?” Drake asked.

Jared pointed over his shoulder toward the man still passed out on the ground. “How can we get a boat?”

The guard led the way toward the boat rentals with Jared, Drake, and Casey following behind. “I’ll get you the GPS coordinates to get you in the general direction. There’s a proximity monitor on the radar that will let you know if there are any watercraft nearby. It’s the best I can do.”

As the two men—and Casey—boarded the powerboat, the security guard helped them cast off. “His yacht tops out at about eighteen knots,” the man informed them. “You should be able to catch up at your max speed of twenty-two knots, no problem.” Jared maneuvered them slowly out of the harbor past the buoys, but as they hit open water, he picked up speed as Drake plotted their course. While both men had experience on the water, neither were experts with smaller boats. They could only hope their inexperience would not be a hindrance. The Channel Islands was at least a two-day cruise from Long Beach. It would be all too easy to lose track of Rita if they didn’t do this right. But if luck was on their side, they could catch sight of the other boat in.

As they cruised in silence, Drake kept checking the radar and comparing the boats they encountered to the information they had on Tucker’s yacht. About forty minutes later, Drake motioned for Jared to slow down. Handing him the binoculars, he pointed Jared toward the ten o’clock position. “Look.” As Jared looked, he said a silent prayer of thanks. Sitting idle in the water was none other thanThere, Always.

“Why aren’t they moving?” he asked.

Drake shrugged. “No idea, but I’m letting the Coast Guard know.”

“Can they hear us on the radio?” Jared asked.

Drake nodded. “Probably, yeah.”

“Well, then just wait for now,” Jared said. “Let’s look for signs of life first.”

Jared continued to steer toward the boat.Please, he prayed,don’t let me be too late. Visually, there weren’t any signs of life: there was no movement that they could see, and everything was dead quiet.

They came in alongside the yacht, and Drake reached out to tie the two boats together. As both men prepared to step on board, they heard a loud scream from below deck. Before either man could react, Casey leaped off the boat and went charging ahead. Jared threw his leg over the side of the ship and pulled himself onto the yacht. He heard more scuffling sounds and more screams, although this time they came from a man. He took the gun from the holster he wore at the small of his back and clicked the safety off.

Jared leaped down the stairs to find Rita and another woman cowering on the floor while a bloodied Tuck tried to fight off Casey. He’d never seen the dog so vicious before; if he didn’t think that Tuck could possibly hurt her, Jared might be tempted to just let Casey rip him apart. Whistling at her, Casey backed off, still growling, and Jared pointed his gun at Tucker. Jared took a moment to look at Rita. She’d been hurt, he could see that. Gun still trained on Tucker, he moved to grab a blanket off the bed and handed it to Rita to cover the naked, semi-conscious woman on the floor. “Rita, are you okay?” She raised her shoulders in a shrug. “I need you to speak to me, baby.”

“I’m okay.” Her voice was rough and flat. It left a hole punched in his chest.

Drake appeared behind him; he had a gun in his hands. “You call the Coast Guard?” Jared asked.

“I can’t get the radio working,” Drake admitted, “and my phone is out of service range.”

Fuck. “You got this? I’ll go look at it.”

Drake clicked off his gun’s safety. “I got it.”

Jared quickly mounted the steps and went for the radio in the main cabin. It looked like Tucker had yanked the cords out.Damn it all to hell. He tinkered with the radio and did what he could to get out a mayday call with the GPS coordinates. After far too many minutes away from Rita, the radio crackled to life, and a voice assured him that the Coast Guard was on its way.

When he went to go back downstairs, he stepped on something. He looked down: it was a spiked choker collar. The kind that you’d buy for a dog. Some of the spikes were dotted with blood. He picked it up and carried it with him as he came back down the stairs.“The Coast Guard is on its way,” he said to everyone in the room. Marching toward Tucker, he grabbed the man by the arm and flipped him over on his stomach.

“Hey,” the man whined. “I’m injured here.”

Kneeling painfully on Tucker’s legs, he held up the collar. “You put this on her?” he growled. “Huh?”

The man looked at Jared with unseeing eyes. As much as Jared wanted to make this man suffer for whatever he’d done to Rita and the other woman, he couldn’t. There had been times in his life, especially on particularly gruesome missions as a SEAL, when he hadn’t been sure if he was a monster or not. But looking at John Tucker with his face a mask of blood and his lips twisted into a sort of ghastly smile, Jared knew for absolute certainty that he was looking at a monster. Not taking his eyes off of Tucker, he asked over his shoulder, “You got some cuffs, Drake?”

The detective unclipped them from his belt and handed them to Jared. He handcuffed the man’s hands behind his back and sat him up so that he was sitting against the wall. Then he turned to Rita. He knee-walked to her but stopped short of touching her. “Baby, I was so—” Jared started to say, but Rita cut him off as she launched herself into his arms, sobbing and clinging onto him. Tears stung behind his eyes, and he shushed her gently. “You’re all right,” he told her absently, rocking her. “You’re going to be all right.”
