Page 110 of And Then I Kissed Him

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Oh, crap. Just when the cat finally released my tongue, I went and corrected Sam’s mother about his eyes. And I’m sure Dora noticed this too. Her suppressed lips said it all.

Dora took my hand, ungluing me from Joe. “Come, you must meet the rest of the family. This is my husband, Robert.”

“Pleasure to meet you, Miss.” Wow, Sam’s father sure was tall – taller than Sam. And when he took my hand and kissed it, I understood from where Sam got his gentlemanly demeanour.

Dora tugged me forward with her eagerly. “And these are my granddaughters, Stella and Luna. Girls, meet Lucy. She’s yourpapa’sfriend.”

“Oh, you’re Lucille?” One of the girls exclaimed in her French accent as she released her clutch from her father and surprised me when she kissed my cheek once, twice, three times. “Bonsoir.My name is Stella.”

“And I am Luna.” Three more cheek kisses. “I feel like we’re going to be such good friends.”

“You do?”

“Oui, absolument.” Stella confirmed with confidence.

They knew my name. My actual name, the one that’s written on my birth certificate. The name that only one person from this circle of people insisted on calling me with.

Standing there before the twins, it was impossible not to look at the man between them. Sam’s head was bowed down, eyes on the ground. He certainly wasn’t comfortable with this exchange.

“Did you know your name is French, Lucille? It means –”

The sound of a throat clearing interrupted the conversation. It was Joe who approached us. “Allow me to introduce myself, ladies. I’m Joe Parker. Head of Operations at your father’s company.” He shook the girls’ hands. Except he didn’t release Stella’s hand immediately. His thumb caressed her fingers. His gaze lingered a little too long. “Enchante, mademoiselle.”

Oh no. Please, Joe, not her! Her father was right beside you. And he was watching you. With averydeep scowl.

“Robert, is that you?”

Luckily for Joe, Zimmerman showed up.

Sam’s father welcomed Zimmerman with a friendly hug. “Finally we meet again in the flesh. You look better on video, though.”

Zimmerman chuckled. “That’s because when I video-call you, you don’t see past my neck. Can’t a man hide the fact he gained a little weight?”

“We should go power walking together now that I’m back.”

“Back as in permanently? That’s great news.” Zimmerman was ecstatic.

Sam, who had been following the conversation from a few steps away, went to join his father and Zimmerman. “I wasn’t aware you two knew each other.”

“Rolf was one of my first clients. Personally handled his accounts for over twenty years. We became friends and kept in touch even after I retired.” Robert explained.

“And when he retired,” Rolf continued, directly at Sam. “Your father recommended you.”

“Actually I recommended my sonandhis partner Joe.”

With a quizzical look at the mention of his name, Joe joined the men. “But Sam and I had ended our partnership a long time ago.”

“Yea.” Sam agreed. “And you’ve only retired two years ago.”

“Are you daft, boys?” Dora stepped in. “What are you not getting? My Robert convinced Rolf to hire you both and make you stubborn boys work together again. There was no doubt you’d accept a ‘collaboration’ because it was the perfect golden opportunity that neither of you would want to miss. Simple as that.”

Zimmerman nodded in confirmation. “Well, Robert promised me your brains combined were limitless. I trusted that and boy, am I glad I did. I got the best branding, the best marketing campaign, the best everything just because I got you two.”

I watched Sam and Joe looking at each other, as if to confirm they heard the same. Then, their lips twisted upwards into a delighted smile. They turned to Robert and Rolf thanking them a dozen times as they received even more compliments for their work.

Somehow, this reminded me of when I learned how Joe had called Sam about my job application. I had labelled that as interference in my life, in my career. But look at Sam and Joe now when they just learned it was his father who practically handed them on a silver platter to Zimmerman. Look how pleased and happy they are with that interference. Now, their reputation had gotten bigger. They would gain more prominent clients and their friendship would only get stronger. And what had I done when I was in that similar situation? I jumped to conclusions. I misjudged them. I ran away.

“Now Robert,” Zimmerman changed the subject. “May I steal your missus for a dance?”
