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Goodness, whatever happened to me? Like it wasn’t enough to think about just one man. Now my brain was in overdrive with thoughts of two men.

I asked for it, right? That’s what I get for experimenting with my best friend and with my boss. What the hell have I become? A lusty teenager? Nope, worse. I never had a fraction of adventure in me. Not a risk-taker either. Certainly not with my personal life. With a logo design, yes maybe, I can do daring. But I never did for my own life. If there were three words to describe me, they’d be stupid, workaholic and, apparently, horny.

I pushed back my chair away from my desk and went to open the window. The cool breeze on my warm skin raised goosebumps but I didn’t mind. I needed the fresh air. And maybe a reality check.

It was time to have a serious talk with Joe. I must know where we’re heading –ifheaded anywhere at all. This conversation had been long overdue. We’ve been putting it off since the day I thought I was… well, when my period was late. Oh, how hard we had both fist-bumped the air when I got that negative test. We should have talked then instead of going forward with our plan to move in together. We should have dealt with that situation differently and discussed our future then. That’s how long our relationship had been spiralling downwards. That’s how long I’ve been feeling so messed up.

Now my feelings were all over the place even more. I went and got myself into a bigger mess. Fell blindly into an affair with my boss while estranged from my roommate who everyone believed was my boyfriend.

Should I tell Joe about this affair? If I told Joe, wouldn’t that give him reason to blame me for the end of our relationship? That wouldn’t be fair because I’ve been fighting for us more than he ever did. In that case, I should blame him. He was the one avoiding us. He was the one spending the night at his office instead of home with me. Or so he always said. Maybe he was frolicking with his subordinate like his business rival did. Where the hell had that thought come from? From my own frolicking. That’s where it came from.

A knock on my door startled me from my reverie.

“Come in,” I called out while I shut the window, suddenly realizing how cold it had become.

“You’re not answering your phone.” Sam’s voice followed the sound of the door shutting closed.


Sam aimed a finger at the unhooked headset of my desk phone.

“I didn’t want interruptions.” I halt myself not to add ‘interruptions from my thoughts on you.’

“A call from your boss hardly qualifies as an interruption.”

“Glad to know you still remember you’re my boss.”

Shit, did I say that out loud and with that sarcastic tone too? What had gotten into me?Hedid. And quite literally. That was the big issue. My irritated mood resulted from my lack of sleep, the tiredness of my body and the betrayal of my same body going against my better judgement and becoming instantly excited with his presence. Of course, him wearing a waistcoat with his suit today and the fact that he looked almost regal and so fucking sexy threw me off even more.

I bit my tongue. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to snap at you. I took the phone off ‘cause I was busy.” Busy, really? He came in and found you staring out the window. “I meant, I was busy thinking.” That was called slacking off and not something to admit to your boss. I crossed my arms under my chest to act up like the mature Director that I usually was. “So, what were you calling me about?”

Sam looked down at the file I hadn’t noticed was in his hand. “Just wanted to check on the progress of some projects but if I’m interrupting…”

“Are you free in fifteen minutes? I could brief you then.”

I needed time to cool down before meeting in the same room with him for an hour. On the bright side, at least he was behaving professionally. His face was his usual composed ready-for-business.

My thoughts, however, weren’t the least bit professional. I mean, geez, look at those big shoulders. They’re just perfect to cling on when he fucks me on the desk. Fucking hell, what was going on in my head? No, Lucy, not your head. It’s all between your thighs. The ones you’ve kept close for too long and, consequently, you’re fantasizing about your boss.

Before last night, or rather, before last Sunday, I never looked at Sam in any other way than just my boss. Yes, I ogled him once or twice. But that’s irrelevant. Every female in here did. Who’d blame us? He was handsome as hell. Not to forget his confident strut or his gorgeous smile or his beautiful eyes. But last night, everything changed. I saw all that and more. Samuel Webb was now the subject of my every horny daydream.

Sam consulted his shiny wristwatch. “I’m free for the next hour and twenty-six minutes. Come by my office any time between then.” He went for the door.

“I think the conference room is better.” My desperate rush of words stopped him in his tracks.

Sam’s furrowed brows held a big question as he watched me intently.

I should have mulled over the words before shooting them aimlessly. Now I had to come up with a cover-up white lie instead. “I… I’ve got a lot of artwork and plans to show you. I could use the bigger table. You know, to spread out all the papers.”

As if Sam could have been fooled with that answer. All my lie had done was induce his wicked lopsided smirk.

With purposely slow step after step, Sam approached me. A man on a mission. A flirty mission. “It’s not the table that you want about the conference room. It’s the transparent glass walls there.” He paused, right behind me. His breath tingled my ears from the proximity. “In a highly exposed room like that, I can’t come around this close and do this.” The back of his fingers grazed the skin over my biceps. “In my office, however…”

I nearly jumped away from him and his tantalizing, warm touch. Yet not quick enough to stop the goosebumps from betraying my pathetic body that showed up all over my arms. “Sam, I’m not in the best state of mind to be sensible today.”

“There’s nothing sensible about this, sunshine.”

