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Trading Blackjack for Poker. What do you think?

Sam and I had planned a Blackjack night at his place today but I did prefer poker.

No cheating and I’m in.

Then I knocked on Joe’s door. As I waited, I read Sam’s new text.

Let’s change to strip poker instead and I’ll definitely cheat.

Oh, dear heavens. He sent the wink emoji too. This was why I wasn’t sure what to call my ‘thing’ with Sam. We’re friends. But we flirt. This was definitely not right, wasn’t it?

The door unlocked and Joe appeared, causing me to quickly lock my phone and push aside my ongoing train of thoughts.

The first thing I noticed was undoubtedly his clothes. Joe wore a suit minus tie and jacket. On a Sunday evening.

“You’ve been to the office?”

Joe shrugged with a half smile. “You know me. Come on in.”

Even if I knew my way in, I waited for Joe to lead the way. He entered the dining room, where I was immediately hit with the delicious smell of pizza.

“Hungry?” Joe motioned to the open pizza box with just one missing piece and still steaming. “It’s from that pizza place–”

“– next to the park. I recognized the smell. That’s my favourite of all your favourite pizzas.” Today, Joe and his takeout habits did not annoy me. But rather, I couldn’t help but smile at his boyish obsession and sense of familiarity.

Joe picked up a pizza slice and offered it to me with his kindest smile.

“Thank you.” I took the pizza and we each ate our slice in silence for a brief moment.

When he finished his piece, Joe wiped his hand clean, closed the box to retain its warmth and then went to the other end of the table where documents were waiting with a pen nearby. “I’ve made a list of all the costs for what we’ve done while you were living here. Furniture and everything else. If you agree to my rough calculations, I’ll transfer you half that total and I keep everything.”

I rounded the table to meet Joe. “I’m definitely not arguing with your rough maths.” I picked up the pen and scribbled my signature on the dotted line next to each ‘sign here’ index tab.

“Oh, and you left one very important thing behind. Come, see.”

Joe went into the lounge room towards the fireplace and I saw it. How could I have forgottenthat? That was the best photograph with my dad, back when I was eight years old and he’d just taught me how to ride that bicycle. Look at our smiles. Mine being the brightest. I must have stumbled off that bike thirty times but I finally did it.Be brave, angel- That was what my dad repeated to me like a mantra. He even immortalized those exact words with a pen on the photograph itself. ThoughI didn’t need the picture to remind me. I carried those words in my heart every day. But looking at that photo kept the image of my father from fading away from my memory.

“I thought this frame was still in one of the boxes.”

Joe raised a brow. “Still unboxing?”

“Can’t seem to find the time. Thank you for this.”

Joe set his hand on my arm as a kind of comfort. “You’re welcome.” Till he realized his gesture now seemed awkward between us and withdrew his hand away.

“I should go.” I adjusted the bag on my shoulder that I hadn’t even taken off and stood before Joe, unsure how to say goodbye to him. That was when I noticed him looking at me. Really looking. Something I hadn’t seen him do in a long while.

“How have you been, Luc?” Joe’s question was a sincere enquiry.

“Good.” I hoped my tone sounded convincing. “You?”

He simply nodded his answer as he kept his eyes on me. “You look nice.”

Joe probably hadn’t seen me in an outfit other than my work or casual clothes for months. That evening I wasn’t particularly dressy. A simple pair of blue jeans and a frilly blouse beneath my leather jacket. Although I did spend a little more time than usual to add some loose curls to my usually straight hair and also traded my typical natural make-up with an edgier look and a rosier lipstick. I’ve been doing that lately. Shifting my usual style a bit.

“Thank you.” I pointed to his own attire. “You’re working Sundays too now?”

“Only for a few hours.”
