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The elevator binged its arrival.

“I didn’t say I would have greeted you with words,” I told him before stepping into the elevator.

A low growl from behind my back alerted me of Sam coming at me like a gazelle. He pinned me to the metal wall and kissed me ferociously. His fingers fumbled with the floor buttons, pressing blindly for the door to shut.

And that was it. The touch of his lips was all it took for me to forget what I said earlier and to want him again. My arms wrapped around his torso and held him close. I kissed him as if I had never kissed him before. As if our last kiss was a lifetime ago. As if his kiss was all I needed to live. I missed it. I missed Sam.

When the elevator stopped at an unknown building floor, Sam broke our kiss to press the ground floor button. Luckily, no one was waiting to get in the elevator with us. It was just us.

Sam never moved an inch from me. Neither did I.

His warm palm caressed my cheek. “We said a lot of words in my office and I just didn’t tell you what should have mattered the most. I’m sorry, Lucille, for being a complete ass to you today. I know I shouldn’t have.”

“I’m sorry too. About lashing back at you. I shouldn’t have either.”

“What you said before, to end things, it’s true. It might be best. Doesn’t mean what’s best is right.”

“Sometimes, the best choice is to let go.” I quoted his own mantra.

Sam nodded lightly. “Sometimes.”

The elevator reached the ground floor.

Sam didn’t move still. “May I come to visit tonight? It might be late.”

Tell him no. No, Lucy. Don’t overthink this. You’d be his booty call. Just tell him no.

“No,” My hand reached for his askew tie and flattened it down his chest. “No, it’s not late. Come any time.”

Sam’s finger twirled into a lock of my hair away from my face, the same finger brushing my jawline. “And tomorrow, may I visit too?”

“Any day.”

“And will you kiss me goodbye at five too?”

“Every day.”

The elevator was about to close again but Sam hit the open button. Then he leaned in and left a tender kiss on my cheek. “Wait up for me, sunshine.” He crouched to pick up his laptop bag and coat that I hadn’t realized he had discarded earlier and walked backwards out of the elevator. “Oh, and I owe you. One lavender vanilla latte. Checked at three cafeterias on the way back here, but it’s not on their menu. I promise I’ll make your coffee in the morning as a down payment.” Finishing that talk with a heart-stopping wink, Sam strode his way to the front door.

This was the Sam I missed today. The man who remembered my favourite coffee even when he was in a terrible mood.

And as I watched him leave, I knew I should call his name, stop him in his tracks and just blurt out that it was over. That we should let go. That I should use this episode as an opportunity to end it before it could break my heart.

But even being fully conscious of all that risk, I’ll wait up for him. Late or not. Tired or not. Right or wrong. I’ll wait. Even till sunrise.

Because now that I had him, I wasn’t sure I could ever let him go.

* * *

Chapter Fourteen

Time to put my creative skills to a new challenge: food plating. And of course, the perfect photograph of it. But first, let’s hope my cooking skills wouldn’t fail me.

The oven’s timer went off, alerting me it was time to unveil theplat du jour. And omi-fucking-gosh, I did it! The smell was heavenly and surprise, surprise, it was not burnt. It was just perfect.

Flash news alert. Thirty years old Lucy Monroe just cooked her first edible dinner.

Phew! At least, the whole afternoon of prepping didn’t go to waste. I spent at least half an hour researching online for ‘easy and quick dinner recipes’. Then I ran to the store to pick ingredients. Then, despite the recipe promising only twenty minutes of prep time, it took me at least an hour. Probably because I went back to each step of the method a hundred times. Blame that on my lack of kitchen confidence. Now look at the freaking result. I say my plating was better than the recipe’s picture.

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