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“You mean makeusofficial?”

“Lucille, I have just been touching you inappropriately in my office. I hate how this feels like I’m doing something that my boss wouldn’t approve and Iamthe boss. I don’t want to have to hide anymore. I want to visit your office without a fabricated excuse. I want to be able to lock that office door after you come in and everyone knows better than to interrupt because I’d be having a rough quickie with you on that sofa. And I want to be able to take you on our first date. That night at the diner when you let me fuck you for the first time doesn’t count.”

“You mean the night you took me out to mingle amongst rowdy teenagers because you took pity on me.”

“I promised you it wasn’t a date. If I had wanted it to be a real date, I assure you I would have done much, much better than feeding you a greasy burger.”

“We never ate our burgers.”

“We would have if you hadn’t gone to the ladies’ room.”

“Ifyou hadn’t followed me.”

“Lucille, you’re driving me crazy. You’re the reason why I’m doing things I never dreamed of ever doing. Like leaving the office at quarter to five to make sure I arrived at your place or mine before you did so I could greet you with a coffee mug in hand. Like making space in my underwear drawer for every colourful thong you leave in my laundry bag. Or like this moment, in my office, with you sitting on my lap and me, asking you this.”

“Sam…” His name was the only word that came out of my mouth. It was barely vocal. Barely a whisper. Once again, Sam hijacked my dictionary and my entire ability to speak.

He always gave the impression of not wanting any commitment. That this – us – was just casual. Now he sprung this on me. What he asked me wasn’t a simple yes or no question. Sam and I had to talk about it like mature adults. We had to agree on whatitwas.

I untangled my arms from around his neck. Brushed down the stands of his hair that I had tousled. “How about we resume discussing this later? We’re going to be late for the meeting.”

“Gladly. Because honestly, the longer we stay here, the more I can’t stop thinking about that sofa quickie. I even bought a pack of condoms to leave in my desk drawer. Just in case.”

“Come on, now. Let’s get going. Time’s up.” I made to stand up but he held my hips glued to his lap.

Sam checked his wristwatch. “Nine fifty-two. That’s eight minutes I want to make the most of.” His hand snaked up my back and found my dress zipper. Pulled it down in slow motion.

“I thought we agreed to no office frolicking.”

“We did and we won’t. This is me outright seducing you.”

Giving me no time to think, Sam tugged the front of my dress off my shoulders and his face dived behind the fabric. He eagerly pushed aside my lacey bra to expose one of my breasts. His mouth sucked on it like his life depended on it. That would definitely leave a mark. Oh yes, it would. He always did. Everything Sam ever did to me will be permanently imprinted on me. On my skin. In my head. In my heart.

Wake up, Lucy. With all the irrational indulgence to my lust, I had almost forgotten to care for my heart. This fast-paced relationship with this man was capable of shattering my already beaten-up heart into a million more fragments. And before that long-overdue conversation between Sam and I was settled, the risk of bruising my heart was just too high.

With a hand on his chest, I pushed Sam back. I had to stop this. Look at him. He was already too far lost to his thirsty desires.

I stood up. “We should go, Sam.”

“Just two more minutes, I promise. I’d need the remaining five minutes to cool down. But for now,” Sam got off his seat. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled my body into his. “For now, I just want to kiss you.”

And he did. Sam kissed me passionately, as if it was the very first and last kiss. His tongue teased my lips to part for him. He held my head, forced my lips to remain glued to his. Until my weak restraint against him faltered entirely, and all I did was just kiss him back.

“It’s so not easy having a sexy boss like you.”

“Because being the boss to the most gorgeous woman I’d ever seen is any easier.” And he continued kissing my lips, licking my neck and nibbling my boobs while moaning his pleasure.

And when the promised two minutes were up, Sam ended our kiss. Yet he remained close. So close that our noses nuzzled one another.

“This was definitely not my brightest idea.” Sam panted. “Too bad there’s not one believable excuse in the world to cancel this meeting.”

I took half a step back to adjust my bra and wear the sleeves back on my shoulders, all the while being under his watchful eye. Then I turned around with my exposed back at him and Sam obliged to redo my zipper.

“I’ll meet you in the conference room.” Then he placed the tiniest kiss on my neck.

And before his genius brain could think up that non-existent excuse, I made my way out of his office without another look back.
