Page 97 of Your Sweetness

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“Paybacks, dude.” Lucas grinned at my brother-in-law, and my heart thumped. They liked him. He had passed their test.

“Careful, Scott, this one can handle an ax.” Billy took a huge bite of cake. “These two are a match made in heaven. Her with the knife and him with the ax. I’m staying clear.”

“What did you do out there?” I looked at Lucas holding a baby like he did it every day. Sweat drenched his shirt, and his arm muscles popped.

“He chopped half a cord of wood with barely a break. He split the dead stuff about as fast as we could cut the damn rounds for him,” Scott said.

“Honey, don’t curse in front of our son.” Loretta joined us, holding two plates of cake. She winked before giving him a chaste kiss. “Mm, chocolaty.”

“Sorry, babe. That’s another dollar in the swear jar.” He pecked her lips again.

“I guess this is yours.” Lo nodded to one piece of cake, “I’ll set it here while you hold the baby.” Lo winked at Lucas and set his cake on the side table between the porch rocking chairs. Sheesh, she was as bad as Scott. I chewed quickly to finish my cake so I could take the baby. Chocolate cake was chocolate cake.

“You have some experience chopping wood then?” Ellen asked.

“I do. It’s cold where I grew up. Lots of fireplaces, firepits, and trees.”

“Hey, that’s right. Who knew?” I said, the sarcasm dripping from every word as I shook my head, and Lucas chuckled. Billy and Scott thought they were so smart. Well, my man could do anything.



“I don’t believe this.How much did this cost?” Jo whispered as we walked hand in hand toward the plane’s tiny staircase. Her breath across my skin had my blood sizzling already.

“Don’t worry about it. I won’t make a habit of taking private jets every time we come back to see your family. This is special.”

We ducked inside the door. “Lucas, this is unbelievable.”

“Mr. Bakker, Ms. Patree, welcome aboard. I’m Susan. I’ll be your flight attendant.”

“Thank you, Susan. It’s nice to meet you.” I stepped around Jo, who had stopped, eyes wide, taking in the plane’s luxurious interior and clean lines.

“Where should I stow my bag?” She stood in front of the soft leather captain’s chair across the narrow walkway from mine.

“Anywhere you want. No one else is getting on the plane.”

“Oh, right. I knew that.” She stashed her things and sat next to me, still taking it all in.

I looked at her enticing lips. “If you leave your mouth open like that, I will kiss you, and I may not stop. After that brief make-out session in the basement last night, it was painful to watch you climb those stairs a second night.” This morning, we’d left her family with hugs for Jo from both her parents, a hug for me from her mom, and a back slap that nearly staggered me from her dad.

“Poor baby. What can I do to help?”

“You know what you can do. Your little dress isn’t helping. I can see your nipples through your bra.”

Her smile was teasing. “It’s too hot for a bra.”

I groaned, and she nodded to the slightly opened door in the back. “Is that what I think it is?”

“It better be. I requested it specifically.”

“And we can go back there whenever we want, and everyone will know what we’re doing, and no one will care.”

“Yep, that’s pretty much it. I doubt I’m the first person to make the request.”

“Have you done this before?” She asked, hesitating.

“No, Jo. I haven’t.” I brushed a thumb along her cheek.
