Page 1 of A Touch of Lust

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Iwas sitting at the club with my best friend Stephanie and her boyfriend Zach when I noticed him. He was hard to miss, sitting over in the corner booth with Max, the club owner. It was hard to tell exactly how tall he was, but I guessed at least 6’3”. His dark hair was shaved short, almost in a buzz cut. The suit he was wearing was obviously expensive, Armani maybe? I bet he had amazing shoulders under that suit. What really caught my attention were his eyes. He noticed me looking at him and gave me a slight smile and nod before I quickly glanced away. There was something about his piercing, icy blue eyes that unnerved me.

“Who’s the new guy with Max?” I nodded my head over to where Max and the mystery man were sitting, taking a quick drink of my water.

Zach looked in Max's direction and shrugged. “Pretty sure that's Max’s friend from college. Rumor has it he had a big club in New York or something and he's going to partner with Max here. ”

“Huh...” I glanced back over at him. If he was a friend of Max’s and had a club, there’s a good chance he was a Dom too. I wondered if he was taken.

“Alex, what's going through that head of yours?” My best friend Stephanie smirked. It was like she could read my mind.

“Whatever do you mean?” I smiled at her innocently.

She shook her head with a laugh. “I know and I know that look. You're looking at him like you're trying to survey the fresh meat.”

I shrugged. “Maybe…and maybe I was just thinking I should go over and say hi. You know, to be polite.”

Stephanie laughed. “What about Will? Are you guys finally done?”

I waved my hand, dismissing her comment. Will had been a Dom at the club that I’d been casually seeing. “There’s nothing between Will and me. We were just having a good time. Besides, he moved to California and I haven’t heard from him in over a month; no phone call, no text, nothing.”

She snorted. “That’s weird. With the way he acted before he left, I would’ve thought you’d hear from him all the time. Shit, the way he talked about you, I’m surprised he didn’t try to drag you along with him.”

I rolled my eyes. “Like that would’ve happened. He knew I wasn’t even looking for a commitment. We had a good time together but it wasn’t anything special. I certainly wouldn’t relocate for him! Besides, I just want to say hi. There’s no harm in that.””

Unlike my best friend who was attached to her Dom’s hip, I had no interest in making that kind of commitment to anyone. I was in the lifestyle for the kinky sex more than anything. I absolutely loved a man that took charge in the bedroom.

Steph and I have been friends since high school. One night after way too many margaritas, we confessed to each other that we liked sex a little bit rough and were curious about the BDSM lifestyle. We started doing some research, and found the local underground BDSM club, Backstage. We started going there to play and learn more about lifestyle five years ago and became regulars.

Stephanie met her Dom Zach right away and moved in with him after six months. She’s never been with another Dom. After three years together, they got engaged. I, on the other hand, had play partners at the club, even dated a few casually but nothing more. I knew in my head being submissive didn't mean giving up all of my independence, but I couldn't seem to give myself to anyone enough to be committed for more than play.

I couldn’t stop glancing over at the corner booth. “That’s it.” I stood up, smoothing my hands on my skirt, my mind set on meeting the mystery man. “I’m going over to say hi.”

“Good luck!” Steph called after me as I walked away.

I looked hot and I knew it. Taking a deep breath, I bit my lip as I approached their table; glad I had worn my red lipstick. My long dishwater blonde hair was piled up on my head in a messy bun with pieces framing my face and showing off my large silver hoops.

The two men stopped their conversation as they noticed me walk up. The mystery man's eyes traveled from my freakishly high heels that took me forever to learn how to walk in up to the almost obscenely short hem of my favorite black skirt. His gaze finally stopped at the nearly indecent amount of cleavage revealed in my black bustier. When he finally lifted his eyes to meet mine, it was like he could see through me, to my soul. I was so thrown off by his look I almost forgot why I was there.

“Um, hi Max. How are you doing tonight? Do you guys need any drinks or anything?” That’s the best I had?Lame. I glanced at Max’s friend and gave him a wide smile.

“Hey Alex. I didn’t know I hired you as a waitress .” Max looked up at me with a smirk on his face. He was one of the few Doms here I hadn’t been with, but it wasn’t for lack of trying on my part. He wasn’t interested, but then again, I’d never seen him play at the club with anyone all of the time I’d been coming here.

I narrowed my hazel eyes at him. “I was just trying to be nice.” I could feel the handsome stranger’s gaze on me, looking me up and down. My nipples tightened under my leather bustier.

“Mmhmm…” He chuckled. “Have you met Paul?”

I turned my attention to him and smiled. I suddenly felt like I had a stomach full of butterflies. I’d never been so nervous to talk to a man before. Not sure why I suddenly was now. “I‘ve not had the pleasure.”

“Alex, this is my best friend from college, Paul. Paul, this is Alex. She's a regular here at the club.”

I held out my hand. “Nice to meet you.”

He took my tiny hand, gripping it firmly in his strong one. My eyes widened as I felt something like a jolt of electricity pass from his hand to mine. From the way his eyes darkened, I was pretty sure he felt it too. “Nice to meet you too, Alex.” His voice was deep and smooth, like a bass drum. I shuddered suddenly as a vision of him whispering naughty things in my ear flashed in my head.

“Alex?” Max’s voice suddenly jolted me out of my fantasy.
