Page 1 of Crashing Together

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Chapter One


“I love you being back home. I missed you, girl.” Leigh, my best friend from high school, bumps my shoulder as we walk along the shore, the midmorning air not too warm yet. Hot sand squishes between my toes. I really did miss the beach, contrary to what comes out of my mouth.

Sure, New York City has beaches, but there’s nothing like the California sun and the warm Pacific Ocean.

“I missed you more,” I reply, brushing my long wavy hair out of my face. I secure it back quickly with one of the million hair elastics around my wrist and adjust my sunglasses. Much better. Although a frozen drink in my hand would be heaven. One can wish.

“Is it weird being back?” Leigh dodges a few kids who run in front of her, and we both chuckle.

“A little. Whereas the city is loud and full of people, I need to adjust to the more slow and peaceful way of life here. The worst is living with my parents again.”

Ugh. That’s all I can say. Living with my parents is a nightmare of fucking epic proportions. My mother is a bored stay at home wife who loves to be nosy and gossip about every detail of people’s lives. My father is a workaholic who’s hardly ever home, and while he provides a lot of money and stability, I’m sure he’s dipping his pen in company ink, so to speak.

My poor mother. I almost feel bad for her. Almost.

“No improvement?”

I shake my head. “It’s worse than it’s ever been. Sometimes, I wonder if my dad even lives there anymore. And Mom’s boredom is ridiculous to the point where she’s driving herself nuts. And driving me nuts.”

“Shit, that’s rough.”

“Tell me about it. I escape down here a lot. I’d love to own a place along the shore.”

“Hmm, that’d be nice. You’ll get there, girl. One day at a time. Not to change topics, but when was the last time you got laid?”

I laugh out loud. Only Leigh. “When’s the last time you got laid?”

She looks away. Ha, doesn’t like her own questions, does she?

“Well? How long?” I raise my eyebrows at Leigh, but she won’t meet my eyes. She’s been holding out on me for a while.

Leigh shrugs her shoulders, a frown etching her face. “I don’t know, maybe a few months or so. Does it really matter? Besides, we’re talking about you, not me.”

I laugh. “Doesn’t mean I can’t ask you about yours.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure. Anyway, there’s a party tomorrow night on this very beach. Come with me.”

“Oh, yeah? You mean, like the beach parties we never were able to get into in high school?”

“Yep. But times have changed, my friend. We’re old enough now.”

A rush runs through me, and I clap my hands. “Yahhs! It’s about damn time. They still do bonfires and all that crazy shit, right?”

I remember those wild parties we always longed to go to. Big fires, lots of people, and lots of drinking and party games. Leigh and I would sit up on the cliff and watch, making up stories as if we were there.

“Of course. This party is exactly what we need. And I definitely need a night out.” Leigh turns toward the water, the tide starting to come in. “As much as I love my mom and grandmother, it’s exhausting.” I feel for my best friend. Her grandmother has a lot of health problems in her old age, and her mom is fighting cancer, so she’s taken over as a nurse between working as an accountant at a very busy firm. I don’t know how she does it.

“I bet it is.” We stop where the water meets the dry sand. It washes over our toes and instantly cools the burn with its icy temperature. “We both need to party hard. Get our frustrations out.”

Leigh jumps up in excitement. Both of us are like two little kids, super excited over the smallest things. “We’ll glam up at my place and pre-game a bit. Come over around seven. My mom won’t be home, and Grandma has her nurse tonight. Get ready for the night of your life, biatch. It’s happening.”

* * *


I slam the shop phone down and blow out a breath. Fuck.
