Page 34 of House Rules

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His clean cut hair, his hard jaw line, a bit of 5 o'clock shadow.... it’s hard to tear my eyes away.

"I did a lot of volunteering while in college. It helped me to learn, in a way. I would volunteer my time at the psych hospital, shadowing other doctors and helping them throughout their day. Eventually, I got a job at a community mental health center, gaining my hours for school credit, and I worked there until I decided it was time to venture on my own."

"How was your time at the community center? I heard those were tough." I smooth down my hair and busy my hands with trying to finish the remainder of my meal.

"It was in some ways. Interesting people, lots of different issues. I'd say more substance abuse cases due to the location and easy access, but I learned a lot working there. Okay, enough about me. How about you?"

I pause, my fork suspended in mid-air. "I did some time in the community center as well, but a lot of my school credit hours came from working side by side with my father's friend. He ran his own practice, had his doctorate degree in psychology, and taught me an endless amount of information." I take a sip of water before continuing. "I worked there for a few years and gained my own patients who then followed me when I opened my own practice."

"Do you like working for yourself?"

I nod. "Yes, it keeps me busy. A little too busy at times."

"How's your mom doing? And, that sister of yours?" He chuckles and I can't help but smile. The anxious tension has lifted, the air warmer.

"Really? They made that much of an impression on you?"

Knox finishes the last of his sandwich. "Well... do I really have to answer that?"

I laugh as my mood lifts. "They're mortifying. I haven't spoken to either one of them. I'm sorry you had to see all of their crazy drama."

"I like crazy drama. To a certain extent. Better than a boring life, right?"

"I'm not too sure about that. I think I'd rather have a boring life." I pop the last of my sandwich in my mouth, washing it down with a sip of water. No rules, no overbearing mother... "They constantly butt their noses into my business."

"Have you tried talking to them?"

I give him a look that screams, Really? "Am I not a therapist who talks to people all day?"

He holds his hands up, his face lighting up with his sexy smile. "You never know. Talking to your family about problems is a lot harder than talking to a stranger about their problems."

He's right again. What is it with this guy?

"I'm afraid they'll never butt out. It's too much pressure all the time. Follow my rules, date him, wear this, don't eat that. I can barely breath some days."

"Rules? What rules?"

I sigh. "Never mind. Forget I even brought it up."

Knox doesn't speak. Instead, he watches me and I shift in my seat. I feel my skin heat, the warmth traveling up my neck and over my ears.

"I know it's probably not my place to say this, but no one controls you but you. Whatever these rules are, if you don't like them, don't follow them."

If only it were that easy. My mother would have a world class fit. I'd probably be banished from the family; a black sheep scorned. "I wish it were that simple."

"It is that simple. Emma, listen, I..."

I cut him off. "Knox, while I appreciate your sentiment, it's easier said than done. My mother is a difficult person and sometimes it's easier to keep the peace."

"At the expense of your own happiness?"

"Who says I'm unhappy?" I cross my arms.

"I didn't say you were. I'm asking you." Knox rubs his chin, his sexy stubble darkening as his skin turns red from the friction.

I sigh in exhaustion. Am I happy? Yes, I mean, I guess I am. But am I really? Don't I want the white picket fence with the two children and a loving home? Does that shit even exist? Is anyone truly happy? I help people feel better all the time. Maybe it's time to look at myself.

"I don't know, Knox. My life is complicated."

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