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“We got something pretty important to share,” Liberty answered as she motioned to Amelia, clearly including her in the ‘we’.

“And what might that be?” I asked, trying to mask the dread gnawing at my stomach. Perhaps it was because Amelia was so vulnerable, being out in the open, but I sensed it was something more.

“Why, my new tattoo, of course,” Liberty announced, slowly turning her back to me and adding, “Take a peek, dear, wouldja?”

“Your tattoo?” I asked as she finished turning around. Most of her body was a detailed map of the United States, hence her professional name ‘The Human Atlas’. That’s why it surprised me to find three human figures etched between her shoulder blades. The male humans bore a strong resemblance to Laurent and Rex. Lodged between them was a face I knew well: Brandeis sitting astride her favorite horse. The brothers were no more than black outlines, while Brandeis and her mount were drawn in vivid color. The white horse contrasted with the saddle and his mistress. As before, Brandeis was an exact replica of me. I found it ever harder to find something in her appearance thatdidn’tresemble me. As I examined her, all three figures began tomove.

The horse was the first I noticed, trotting in place while Brandeis proudly held the reins. Despite the activity, the tattoos remained between Liberty’s shoulders. To my amazement and near terror, the horse began a series of jumps and other tricks—something I imagined would have characterized the pair’s performance thirty years earlier. The sheer grace they displayed in their amazing synchronicity and timing was only outmatched by their fluidity.

The tattoos of the two brothers on either side of Brandeis seemed as enraptured with her act as I was. As I watched, the image of Laurent stroked his chin in nervous appreciation, while the image of Rex crossed his arms and simply stared at Brandeis, his intense gaze carrying something more pleasant than his typical disdain.

Finally, her performance at an end, Brandeis dismounted and bowed directly in front of me. I was so entranced by her skills that I almost joined the sketched version of the brothers in applauding her flawless performance. Instead, though, I simply watched the three of them, completely awestruck by this magic. Laurent gave her a robust round of applause, and Rex was slower to respond but possibly more sincere.

Rex glared at his brother before pulling out a set of spurs that looked too small to fit his feet. Brandeis caught sight of the spurs, which made her smile as she accepted his gift. The silver shone brightly when she attached them to the heels of her boots. Laurent only scowled at Rex while Brandeis seemed oblivious to his unfriendly demeanor.

More gifts followed. As I stood there, gaping at the images on Liberty’s back, I watched as Laurent gave Brandeis an expensive bracelet, Rex countered with a custom-made bridle. The ringmaster gave her an English riding hat before ‘The Incredible, Indestructible Man’ produced a boar-bristle brush for her horse. With each successive gift, Brandeis never failed to accept them with grace and gratitude. The brothers, though, began hating each other in their competitive contest for her affections. The matter climaxed when both men bought her the same gift: a beautiful ring topped with a huge diamond. A wedding ring.

Brandeis looked at both of them in utter shock, staring from one to the other while she clutched the reins of her horse tightly. Suddenly, the brothers grabbed Brandeis at the same time and she swiftly slid out of their tenacious grips. Like a trapeze artist, she mounted her horse in fright, grabbing his neck and gracefully swinging herself atop his back. She wheeled her horse around, and rode away from the brothers, her bare heels hugging the horse’s flanks. The horse and Brandeis soon faded out of the tattoo. The brothers, meanwhile, looked at her longingly before they too suddenly disappeared.

When the remarkable drama had finally run its course, Lady Liberty turned to me with a sad look in her eyes.

“Did you understand all you saw there, hon?”

“I... I think so,” I said with more than a little uncertainty. “They both wanted her, and that’s what finally drove her away.”

“And I’ll reckon they still miss her,” Liberty added with audible regret in her voice.

“But there’s something I don’t understand,” I replied, shaking my head as I tried to calm my frantic heart down. “How could Laurent and Rex know Brandeis at all? They can’t bethatold.”

Liberty nodded as if she, too, had considered this question. “I reckon the brothers are the ones you have to ask about that.” She held out her hands. “Mind giving me Little Bit over there?”

I looked at Amelia, who nodded to me. When I handed her to Liberty, I said, “You’re assuming they’re willing to give me straight answers.”

I expected another wisecrack from Liberty. Instead, she surprised me by holding Amelia close before taking two steps backward. That was enough to conceal the two of them in complete darkness. Even I couldn’t see them any longer. I was about to speak when I heard the sound that no doubt preceded Liberty’s fast decision: rapid footsteps were coming up behind me.

“Ah, there you are, Bindi,” Laurent said, his footfalls halting as I turned around.

“Here I am. As if I could be anywhere else,” I retorted, worried he’d see my friends hiding in the shadows behind me.

But he didn’t seem to notice them at all. Instead, his eyes didn’t shift from mine as he sighed, and a wistful look flashed across his face for a moment. “Despite how the final show goes, I want you to know… that I… that I care very much about your well-being and happiness, Bindi. And I will do all I can to ensure you have both.”

His words sounded genuine and, God help me, but I wanted to believe him. Yet, after everything he’d already done, and everything I suspected he’d done, I found it hard not to see him in the worst light still. “Answer this question,” I replied. “If you could tear up my contract—without worrying about your investors, especially Mr. Grey—would you do it?”

A pained look flickered across his face. “Is that your wish?”

“Since I’m asking you, what else might it be?” I scoffed. “Now, answer the question, Laurent... Would you do it?”

He stared at the tent wall on our right, as if he were seeking a clue for the correct response. Finally, he looked at me with a pained expression once more. “I want to say my answer would be ‘yes’,” he said in a quiet tone. “But we shall never know because it’s an impossibility.”

I wanted to press him on that point, but I sensed that was as honest an answer as I was likely to get from him. The ringmaster quickly cleared his throat and said in his more typical manner and tone, “In any case, why are you hiding here under the stands?”

“I just… needed some alone time, and I didn’t think I’d get it anytime soon.”

Laurent’s smile was small and almost apologetic but didn’t quite manage. “Well, I believe we have a rehearsal to return to.” He waved his hand towards the birdcage and I obediently followed it. I tried my best to steal a glance of Amelia or Liberty over my shoulder. Seeing neither made me relax a bit, but I knew I’d only stop worrying after we were well away from the stands altogether.

No sooner did we arrive at the birdcage when Bernice emerged from the other side of it. She was repeatedly running her hand through her massive coif.

“Damn that monkey!” she exclaimed.
