Page 31 of Sinful Desire

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He sniggers and pulls back, not to leave me, but to scoop my leg up and fold me back. He plunges deeper, harsher, and pushes me along the bed with every thrust. “Someday, you’ll be less mad about it.”

I can’t catch my breath. Can’t string more than a thought or two together. I can barely keep my eyes open as Archer seduces my body and leaves me weak.

But I can step closer to completion.

Like a swirling storm in my blood, my orgasm builds and builds. More consuming, more electric. Spires of heat touch my fingertips. My toes. It shoots bolts of warmth through my legs and into my arms.

Then Archer grabs my second leg and changes everything. He gets a new angle, and he slams so much deeper.

A cry rolls along my throat, and on the next thrust, my orgasm jumps off the ledge of sanity and drags me with it. “Oh god!” I grab on to Archer’s shoulders and cling to him. To keep him close. To keep him with me. “Archer!”

He releases my legs and takes my mouth with his. He swallows down my cries, and when I clutch to his back, my nails digging in and my legs wrapped around his hips, he throws his head back and comes so I feel his cock twitch and hot cum fill me up.

Minutes pass. Or maybe days.

Our hearts thunder in sync, and though it’s still dark and the middle of the night, it feels like we’ve run a marathon in the summer sun.

I relax back onto the mattress. My arms. My legs. I fight to fill my lungs, squashed by Archer, but I don’t complain about his warmth on top of me. His body. His strength.

My eyes close, and though I don’t intend to go back to sleep, I believe I could. I’d just need a single minute of silence, and Archer’s touch. His arms holding me close. His lips on my back while I doze…

“Don’t go back to sleep.” He dives closer and presses a kiss to my lips. Another to my cheek. “We have to get up.”

“Wedon’t have to.” I remain languid and allow myself another moment of rest, even with Archer buried deep inside me. “That was your alarm, not mine.” Then I slit my eyes open. “Why am I naked?”

Snorting, he drags his teeth along my bottom lip. “Because you were still in your date dress. It’s sexy, but I didn’t think it would be comfortable all night.”

“Yeah, but—”

“Your bra was strapless and push-up. Something like that would have you popping out while you slept. Again, I chose comfort for you.”

“Gallant of you.” I roll my eyes, even behind closed lids. “And my panties?”

“That was for me.” He slides his tongue across my lips to soothe the sting of where he bit. “It was for both of us. Your panties were still wet from our date. They looked uncomfortable, and I figured we’ve been together enough now, you wouldn’t freak about being naked.” Reaching up, he sets his fingers on my eyelids and pries them up to catch my gaze. “Did I overstep?”

“No.” I smack his hand away and push him to the side, to his back, but then I crawl onto his chest and snuggle in. We’re running out of time, and my brain is still struggling to come fully awake. “I’m not mad. How’d I get here?”

A long yawn wracks my frame and draws a pleased snicker from somewhere deep in Archer’s chest. But I don’t care, because he strokes my back with one hand, and my hip with the other. “I thought I was in my office.”

“You were. I found you curled up on your couch a little past two.”

“It’s now nearly five.”

“Yes.” He walks his fingertips along my skin and draws goosebumps to the surface. “I set my alarm so I’d have time to enjoy you before I had to get up.”

“You set your alarm so I’d get two hours sleep.”

Humored, he shakes his head and draws patterns on my skin. “I set my alarm soIwould get two hours sleep.Youcould’ve been asleep in your own bed from about eleven, if you cared at all about your health.”

“I was working.” Then I shoot up and gasp. “Where’s Aubree?”

“She was at her desk when I found you. I called Tim and had him take her home so she could get a proper rest.”

“You calledTim?” Adrenaline slices through my blood and burns away the remaining dregs of sleepiness. “She and Tim—”

“He was the only one I could call.” Folding his neck, Archer presses a kiss to my forehead. “Fletch had already left to go be with Mia. I was with you. I was running out of friends, but I couldn’t leave her there all alone. So I called Tim and made him deal with her. Stop overthinking it.”

He places his fingers beneath my chin and drags my head up till our eyes meet. “Tim took care of her. He didn’t take her to bed, and he didn’t break her heart. He was just a really competent taxi driver and escort to make sure she made it home safe. Now move over.”
