Page 20 of Spurred

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I push and zig-zag across the dance floor, cursing under my breath. A few girls try to stop me to ask me to dance, but I ignore them, keeping my eyes locked on the dark hallway that leads to the bathrooms.

I’m just reaching it when the women’s door opens, and Gwen steps out. She seems startled to see me and I open my mouth but no words come out.

Dammit! Why didn’t I think about what I was going to say to her on the way over here?

“Uh,” I say lamely, sweat beading my forehead as I look behind her into the empty bathroom. I don’t know what comes over me, but suddenly, I need her alone. Need to be away from the crowd and the music. Need to connect with Gwen, my Gwen, and I can’t do that with the bass hammering in my ears.

I take a step toward Gwen, reaching behind her and pushing the door to the women’s restroom open. She tilts her head back, staring wide-eyed as I rest a hand on her hip and guide her backward into the bathroom.

“Um, what are you doing?” she questions, though she lets me walk her into the empty room and lock the door behind us. She steps away from me, crossing her arms over her chest in a defensive stance as she stares at the ground. Her shoulders curl inward, and I want to punch myself in the face for making her feel uncomfortable. Would she fight me if I tried to hold her? If I tried to kiss her?

“How have you been?” I ask. My voice comes out sounding rusty from disuse.

I guess I really haven’t been talking to anyone. Not since she left.

I clear my throat and try again.

“What are you doing?” Gwen asks again, finally lifting her eyes to meet mine. Jesus, how is she even more beautiful, more precious than I remember?

“How was your first week of classes?” I ask instead of answering her question. I don’t know what to say. I have no idea what I’m doing, only that I need her in the worst way.

“Remmington,” she says, drawing out my name.

“I miss you,” I blurt out.

Gwen blinks, her eyes filling with tears.

God, no.It kills me to see her this way. I suck at words and expressing my feelings, but I seemed to be able to read her body so perfectly the night we spent wrapped up in each other’s arms. Our souls fucking fused together, and I know, I fuckingknowshe felt loved, even if only for a little while.

“Come here,” I whisper, holding out my hand. She looks at me, then at my outstretched hand, nibbling on her bottom lip.

I hope she knows I’m offering more than just temporary comfort. I’m holding my goddamn heart right here in my palm, letting her decide if it’s worth anything.

My girl slips her delicate hand in mine, and I pull her into my chest, cupping the back of her neck. I rub my nose against hers, breathing in her cinnamon sugar scent and letting it wash over me.

“Gonna kiss you now, beautiful,” I rasp, giving her time to pull away.

Instead, she loops her arms around my neck, drawing me into her soft, sweet little mouth.

Fuck, I’ve missed her lips. Her taste. Her warmth. How is it possible to already be addicted to everything about her?

She moans into my mouth as my hands trace the curve of her hips and grip her thighs. I walk us a few steps backward, easily lifting her onto the sink counter before stepping between her thighs. Gwen wraps her legs around me and rocks her hips against my aching cock. Fuck, I can feel her heat, her need. I need it too. Need to taste her.

I break the kiss to nip and kiss her jaw, down her neck, and across her shoulder. I can't explain the need to sink my teeth into her soft flesh, to suck, and mark her as my own. My dick grows impossibly harder when I picture her creamy skin red from the way I've loved her.

“Remy… Remy…” She moans my name as I growl into her skin. My hands slip under the hem of her dress, my fingers teasing the waistband of her panties. “Yes, more…”

I take her mouth again in a searing kiss before tearing her panties off.

“Lean back, beautiful,” I rasp, guiding her to rest her weight on her hands behind her back. I rest one of her legs on my shoulder, then the other one, breathing in her arousal.

Gwen is spread out before me like a delicious meal, and I growl as I stare at her perfection. She’s soft and pink and dripping for me. My thumbs part her folds and I see her little clit, throbbing for me, begging for my attention.

Gwen gasps and then moans for me as I dive in, licking her up and down. I suck on her folds, dipping my tongue into every crease, memorizing everything about her. My baby is fucking gushing for me.

“Remy, ohmygod, I-I…oh god…”

Her voice is breathy and sexy as fuck. I love knowing I’m licking her senseless. I want to taste every inch of her. I force my tongue out of her entrance and pull her juices up, up, up to her clit, flicking my tongue over her tight bundle of nerves just once.
