Page 31 of Spurred

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My daughter runs up, wrapping her little arms around my legs.

“Daddy!” She screams, and I grin as I bend down to pick her up.

“Hey there,” Gwen says with a tired smile as she leans up to kiss me.

“How have things been today?” I ask, and she laughs.

“Wild. They’re full of energy. They want to go to the park with their cousins.”

“Are we going?” I ask, and she nods.

“Yeah, that’s why they were racing for the door.”

I laugh as I set the twins down and they take off to get their shoes on.

“Do you need a break? I can take them.” I tell Gwen, but she shakes her head.

“I’ve been looking forward to some family time,” she says as she packs some water bottles into her bag. “And then tonight, we can have some alone time.”

She winks at me, and my cock stirs in my jeans at the thought of being along with my wife.

Gwen and I got married a month after we officially got together and found out that she was pregnant. We had the ceremony here on the farm. There’s this big hill with a few trees on it that Kai, Griz, Wesley, Clara, and I used to play on when we were kids. You can see the whole farm from up there, and we had the ceremony at sunset then went back to our house to eat and celebrate.

We left on our honeymoon the next day, with Seth looking after my farm for me while we were gone, and I got to spend seven days in the Bahamas with my beautiful bride before we came back home and got settled into our new routine.

We learned that it was twins a few days before the wedding and were both so excited. It might be the only time that I was able to give her a baby, and to find out that we were having two was incredible.

Gwen is the best mom. She’s so patient and fun and the kids love her. She’s been subbing for the local school district, but next year, when the kids start school, she’s going to start teaching full-time. I’m happy to do whatever is needed to make sure that she’s happy, so we’ve already decided that I’ll be doing pick up while she drops them off. Then I’ll watch them until she’s back home. I’m looking forward to having some time alone with my kids, and I know that Gwen can’t wait to start teaching full-time.

She ended up finishing up her junior year before the kids were born and she was determined to get her degree after that. I rearranged my schedule so that I could be at home with the kids while she took some classes. It took her two years to finish because she hated being away from the babies, but she did it.

Watching her graduate was incredible. My whole family was there to cheer her on, along with Pax and Avery. We were all so proud of her, and I know that she was thrilled to be done with college.

“What else do we need to grab?” I ask as she finishes filling up the park bag and passing it to me.

“Just the kids,” she says, and I grin as I hear them stampeding toward us.

“Is it time to go?” Rose asks, and I nod.

The kids are rambunctious and quite the handful, but Gwen makes chasing after them look easy.

We get both kids loaded into the minivan and start to head down the road. We pass Kai’s house, and I smile when I see him corralling his kids into their car too. We wave at Seth as he hops into his truck. I’m guessing he’s headed home to Twyla and their kids.

“How was your day?” Gwen asks, as I reach over and intertwine our fingers.

“Good. I found a buyer for Snow White.”

“Yeah? Someone local?” She asks as we turn out onto the main road and head toward the kids’ favorite park.

“No, it’s to Wesley actually.”

“Really? Is he coming here? It will be so nice to see him and Blake again.”

“Yeah, they’re coming up next Friday to get her and to look at some horses that Kai and Griz have.”

“Are they staying with us?” She asks.

“I offered but with the kids, they might just get a hotel in town.”
