Page 3 of Destiny of Love

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Breathing heavily, I couldn’t move. Somehow, he had managed to smell as good as he looked, and I savored his scent before it was whisked away by the next passing train. Trembling, I picked up my phone and looked at the screen.

Noah Rover.

Just as I was about to hit save, a rushing commuter bumped me from behind. My finger smacked into the red ‘delete’ button as I let out a yelp. Noah’s details were wiped from my screen and, with it, my hopes of calling him later.

So, it’s going to be one of those days, after all.


~ Noah ~

I slammed my finger onto the mouse in frustration.

Watching the computer turn off, I felt a waver in my usually calm demeanor. I knew I had been in a rush this morning, but I would have thought she would have called me. Had I been wrong the entire time? Was she not into me at all?

Standing up from my desk, I packed away my things before walking out of the office. My PA came sprinting after me, trying to keep pace as I headed for the elevator.

“Miss Price called and wanted to set up a lunch meeting to discuss the projections for next quarter…”

I waved my hand dismissively, “I don’t do lunch meetings, you know that. Pencil her in for Wednesday afternoon. Anything else?”

The elevator opened in front of me, and I stepped in. My PA flipped through her notes hopelessly.

“John wanted to talk to you about…”

The doors closed before she could finish her sentence. It was my third PA this year, and I was already becoming frustrated with her. I needed someone who could keep up with me, and the PA agency didn’t seem to have anyone on their roster that could meet my needs. I knew it wasn’t just my PA’s fault that I was annoyed. It was that woman from this morning. Why hadn’t she called?

“Mr. Rover, could I talk to you…”

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator, yet another assistant swarmed me. My glare was enough to silence and halt him in his steps. If it was urgent, then they could reach me on my private line. Only the important people worth my time had that number. And her. So, why hadn’t she called?

Frustration was getting the best of me as I pushed open the doors to the street. I made my way to the subway station, people moving out the way as I strode past. Instantly getting a place on the crowded ‘J’ train, I made my way back home.

The Golden Oaks neighborhood was well-known for its lavish occupants. I had a penthouse suite in one of the most prominent apartment buildings in the entire city. Despite me throwing down millions for my home, I still made sure I took the subway every morning. It was the only way for me to mix among the people, feel the pulse of the city beneath my feet. Exploring the city was my way of relaxing. I had grown up here, and it was my home.

Showering, I changed out of my work clothes and into some comfortable loungewear. Taking a seat next to my floor-to-ceiling glass wall, I looked out across the sprawling city below me. Lights twinkled like an urban constellation while out in the distance, I could see the forest which hides the famous waterfall the city is named after. I had been out there a few times, but it was a long hike to get there.

And somewhere in this city, she’s there.

The whole day I had been thinking about her, waiting for the call to come through. It had felt like a small miracle when the cute chestnut-haired woman had finally approached me. We had been staring at each other for weeks, and I had started to time things so I would get on the right train at the right time. How could I resist? She was absolutely stunning. Thick black-framed glasses did little to hide her wide brown eyes and dazzling white smile. She always stood out from the crowd with her bright-colored clothes and oversized headphones. I wondered what she listened to. When I first saw her, I tried to be sneaky about my glimpses, but we had taken to directly seeking one another’s eyesight out of the crowd over time. And after all that time, she couldn’t even be bothered to call?

The next morning, my frustration had grown even more. I was dressed and ready earlier than usual, making sure I would catch her on the train. The entire night I had spent dreaming of her face in the crowd, wishing for my phone to ring. I didn’t like feeling out of control. I needed to take it back from her before I truly got lost. When I got onto the train, I was ready to demand an answer… until I saw her face.

“I’m so sorry,” she blurted as she pushed through the crowd.

People shuffled out the way for the brightly-dressed female. As she made her way toward me, she accidentally tripped over a man’s cane. She went tumbling into me, and I caught her in my arms. When she took a step back, her face was flaming red.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

She brushed her hair out of her face, “I’m fine. I’m glad you caught me, thank you! I was actually coming over to apologize for not calling you. I accidentally deleted your number.”

Oh. A whole day of disappointment was explained with a simple mistake. I felt like an idiot, but I wasn’t going to tell her that.

“It’s okay. I just thought you were busy,” I lied casually.

“Do you mind if I get your number again? That is if you want to?”

I could tell she was worried that I would turn her away, so I smiled warmly.
