Page 8 of Destiny of Love

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Just like that, my dreamlike state was shattered as I turned around to see a gorgeous brunette come running up to us in a pair of ridiculously high heels. No woman should have the right to be able to run that elegantly in those things. Now it was my turn to feel jealous. It wasn’t until she got close that I realized she was the woman from his social media photos. Not wanting to reveal my internet stalking last night, I kept my mouth shut.

“Veronica, what are you doing here?”

Without bothering to acknowledge me, she walked up to him and placed a hand on his chest. I could tell it was a way of marking her territory, and my whole body prickled with anger. Nevertheless, I remained silent as I watched their interaction play out.

“We’ve got an appointment today. You couldn’t book me in for lunch, so I got your secretary to move me right after lunch. I’m a little bit early, but I thought we could get a head start.”

“Of course,” Noah stepped around her to get closer to me, “Sorry, business calls. I’ll arrange something so we can get some more time together. Until next time, Bea.”

Once again, he brought my hand to his lips and ever so gently kissed my knuckles. I felt my heart do a flip inside my chest. When he went inside his building, Veronica remained still glaring at me for a moment. Her stare was like icicles, frosty and cold. I knew she was less than pleased with the show that Noah had just put on. I, on the other hand, was thrilled. After a few seconds, she flicked her long silky hair over her shoulder and strode off into the offices.

I could tell that there was going to be trouble.


~ Noah ~

I smiled as I put the phone down.

All I had to do now was wait. Within the next half an hour, a bouquet of fragrant roses, mint, and lavender would arrive at Bea’s office with her name on it. Inside the card was my invitation out to lunch. It had only been a day since I had last seen her, but that was enough for my craving to kick in. I just couldn’t wait to see her again.

My secretary knocked on the door, “Sir, Miss Price is here to see you.”

“Did I have her booked for today?”

“No, sir. She said it was a follow-up to yesterday’s meeting.”

I frowned. I didn’t like surprise visits as my work life was heavily scheduled. That’s the only way I could survive in this business. Veronica showing up out of the blue was the last thing I needed at this moment.

“Send her in.”

The secretary nodded before disappearing back around the door. Sighing, I drummed my fingers against the wooden desk as I waited for Veronica to make her entrance. As usual, the clacking sounds of her heels preceded her.

“Noah,” she called, striding into the room.

Veronica wore a tight black dress that I’m sure wasn’t appropriate for her position at the bank. As usual, I plastered a smile on my face and stood up to greet her. Bypassing the handshake I offered, she wrapped her hands around me and planted a kiss on either side of my face. Very European. I couldn’t help but inhale the heavy scent of her perfume as she leaned in, the richness burning at my nostrils as I backed away.

“Lovely to see you as always, Veronica. To what do I owe this pleasure?”

“I just thought I’d catch-up after our meeting yesterday. You looked rather tense and, as your financial advisor, it brings me concern to see you wound up like that. I thought it would be good if we could talk things over and you relax a little. It doesn’t have to be here. Would you rather go out?”

Yet again, an attempt at a lunch meeting. This woman was relentless.

“I’m fine here. And thank you for your concern, but everything is in hand. You really should have called first before troubling yourself to come all this way…”

She chirped in, “Oh, it was no trouble at all. I was passing by this way anyway.”

Before I could respond, my phone started ringing. It wasn’t my usual ringtone. It was the one on my private cell phone. Instantly, I knew who was calling, and my face lit up. Grinning, I dug it out from my pocket.

“Could you excuse me a moment?” I said, pushing up from my chair and walking over to the other side of my office.

As soon as I clicked the green button to answer, Bea started gushing, “Thank you so much! I’ve never received flowers this gorgeous before! Or ever, for that matter. And yes, I’d love to come to lunch.”

“I’m glad you liked them. However, their beauty pales in comparison to yours. Outside your office in ten minutes?”

“I’m counting the seconds.”
