Page 27 of Broken Earth

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Terri’s jaw dropped in what he now knew meant surprise. It was a curious lack of muscular control in the face for the species when they were scared or startled. It was most entertaining in his mate, though he suspected that he would get enjoyment out of it from any of those that he killed as well, although in a different sense. When done by his mate, he found it oddly endearing.

“Pregnant forthree years!”

Ah, it seemed that horror was also involved. How fascinating. His mandibles automatically began to vibrate to soothe his mate. She blinked at the sound, but her body quickly began to relax, not unlike that of the females of his own species.

“Just so you know, in humans we carry the egg… uh, seed, I guess you say, which the male fertilizes. But human babies only gestate for roughly nine months.”

“Your species must have once reproduced very quickly like prey animals,” he observed. “On Argurumal, only small creatures and prey animals reproduce yearly, usually during our brief wet season.”

“So you’re comparing me to livestock…” she said slowly.

Not wishing to displease his mate, he searched his memory banks and amended his statement. “The great enthar is a massive, intelligent creature that swims across the oceans of moving sand of Argurumal. They deliver one pup a year,” he added thoughtfully.

Her brows shot upward. “Did you just compare me to a desert whale?”

“They are dangerous predators, with long necks that allow them to pick off warriors at their leisure,” he offered placatingly.

“Make that the Loch Ness Monster of the sands.” He frowned. Perhaps he said something that upset his female. Such concerns were allayed when she burst out laughing. “I fucking love it!”

He gave a low click of his mandibles as he returned his attention to his task. Once all the carts were secured, he went to the wall storage unit and retrieved more collector cart discs. Snapping them into place on his belt, he gestured for Terri to join him. She immediately took her place beside him. Nudging Terri out of the cargo hold into the hot desert air and allowing room from Krono to squeeze through, Veral sealed his ship once more.

His mate grinned up at him and leaned in, wrapping her arms around his torso to bestow her affection upon him. It was not the way of Argurma to touch when not engaged in coitus, but he found that he enjoyed it. Her embrace was welcome, and he trilled low in his throat in response. He could feel his civix trying to work out of his pouch once more, eager for the tight, hot sheath of his mate, but he drew away, allowing only a moment between them for his mandibles to slide affectionately over the top of her head and his vibrissae to stroke over and through her hair.

They traversed the sands side-by-side. Although his gait naturally outstripped hers, he reined in his steps to keep pace with her. Only Krono struck out ahead, his forked tails waving behind him. Although in their days together previously he had been comfortable allowing her to trail behind him, now his systems demanded that he keep her firmly within his sight despite everything around them being calm and undisturbed.

“Do you think that the migrants are still camped out on the desert?” Terri asked.

Veral snapped his vibrissae, unconcerned. “If they are wise, they will not linger where the Reapers might easily ambush them. They should be far from here by now.”

“What does that say about us then?” she returned with a slow smile.

He chuffed, his vibrissae tangling in her hair and gently tugging on the locks playfully. “It says that your male is far more dangerous than any of them and, if they were wise, the Reapers would flee instead.”

Terri’s grin widened before it faltered. “You wouldn’t have really hurt the migrants, would you?”

Veral clicked his mandibles thoughtfully. “If they attempted to take you from me or harm you in any way, I would. I have little concern for those not tied to me.”

His mate frowned in disapproval. He admired her soft heart even if it was inconvenient. “That’s not very compassionate,” she countered.

He chuffed in amusement at her observation. “Argurma live by codes of action and obligation. I might concede to serve my people because it is within the framework of my purpose to serve them, but my bonds and sympathies do not extend far beyond you and any offspring we might have.” He paused, considering his progenitor. “I would not be as my sire was. I believe that I would care very much for our young.”

A happy look returned to his mate’s face, and he continued by her side contentedly until the roar of engines in the distance ripped him away from his peace. His arm snapped out, stilling his mate as his mandibles extended and his mouth opened, drawing in the scents of the desert surrounding them. Whatever was occurring was far enough away that he didn’t sense any disruption in their immediate vicinity. But the sound of the engines was unmistakably that of the Reapers verging into the desert. As they came over the rise, he was able to see the metallic glint in the distance.

Scanning the red and yellow desert, it didn’t take him long to locate the caravan. The camp was still erected, males and females moving about as their offspring milled around and chased after each other in their play. A rattling growl rose in his throat in accompaniment to his vibrating vibrissae. They were storing their belongings back in their vessels but were going about it leisurely beneath the brutal heat of the sun bearing down on them.

“Oh, fuck,” Terri whispered at his side, her eyes turning attentively to the direction of his focus. “They didn’t leave!”

“Foolish to risk offspring in such a way.”

They hadn’t seen the Reapers, but he knew the exact moment when they did. A cry went through the people as adults picked the younglings up from the ground and ran toward their vessels.

He turned away with disinterest and no little contempt. He felt no discomfort over surrendering them to their fate. He came to a stop, however, when he felt his mate grip his arm tightly. He chirped at her inquiringly, his gaze going down to her hand clenched on his armored wrist just above the horn curving out at the joint.

Her eyes were imploring as she looked up at him. “Veral, we can’t leave them to the Reapers.Please! We have to help them.”

He regarded her steadily and cocked his head. “I would not risk my mate for the wellbeing of strangers too foolish to safeguard themselves from enemies.”

She took a breath and met his gaze directly. “I’m not asking you to. I’m asking you to do this for me. Be compassionate and merciful on my behalf. Help them like I would if I had the ability. I will stay out of the way and remain safe, I promise… Just help them, damn you! If you don’t, I will.”

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