Page 44 of Frozen By the Alpha

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Iris’s brows furrowed. “Isn’t it a little dangerous to get the government involved when this is a government project?”

I shrugged. “She is a wolf, after all.”

Iris scowled so fiercely, I felt my spine tingle. “Yeah? And? The asshole who did this to me—” she tugged at the collar of her shirt, revealing the yellowing bruise on the junction of her shoulder and neck “—was also a wolf, and he seemed to think it was just fine for Dr. Brenner to be doing what he was doing. ‘For the betterment of shifters,’ or some absolute horseshit like that.”

I set my mug on the table and held up my palms in surrender. “I assume if she’s in Seff’s pack, we can trust her,” I said, tipping my head to the side. “Either way, we’re supposed to meet her in person tomorrow so she can share the information with us.”

Iris frowned at me a moment more before turning back to her computer, typing something almost violently. “I guess,” she growled. “But we’re meeting at a neutral location. Nowhere near here. And nowhere near Bella.” Her eyes flashed as she looked back up at me. As much as I didn’t appreciate thatIwas the brunt of Iris’s ire, I was glad to see some of that fire return to her. I was starting to worry after she’d spent the last few days looking like she was living in a dream state.

“I’m sure that can be arranged. We’re quite a ways from where her office is located, so I was thinking an online meeting might be best,” I replied, about to add more when my phone rang.


“I have to take this,” I told Iris apologetically, and pulled my phone from my pocket.


“Hey, Eli, haven’t heard from you in a few days. What’s going on?”

I cringed, realizing Maverick was right. He’d been helping me trying to locate this building, and I’d been so distracted after Iris had literally appeared from nowhere that I’d forgotten to let Mav know.

“Iris escaped,” I told him. “She managed to escape with a little girl — Bella. Sorry I didn’t let you know, it’s been a crazy…” I paused, having to do the mental math. “Forty-eight hours. I think?” It was all starting to blur together.

Mav snorted softly, and I could just imagine him shaking his head. “Is she okay? Well, the two of them, are they okay?”

I shrugged. “They’ll heal, but Iris was pretty badly injured. Bella was clearly shaken, and that’s putting it lightly.”

“Mm.” Mav rumbled. “How old?” he asked.

“Three or four. We’re not totally sure. She hasn’t said anything. Iris said she hasn’t spoken the entire time she’s known her, even back at the military facility.”

“And she escaped forty-eight hours ago?”

“No.” I shook my head. “Not exactly. Iris said she thought she was in the woods for about three days before she found us. And that was about two days ago. So five days, give or take.”

“Ah.” Mav rumbled again. “Well, that explains what’s gotten everyone’s tail in a knot the past few days. They’ve beefed up security at the facility, and I deeply suspect they’re setting up a hunt to find the ‘fugitives,’ if they haven’t started already. It’s like a hornet’s nest.” He paused for a moment. “What the hell were they doing with a child?”

I wrinkled my nose. “Good question,” I muttered. “Iris said both of the girl’s parents were with her, so it’s possible they just took the entire family. We’ve also found some indications that their pack has hidden treasure. Well, no.” I paused. “I take that back. They’re justrumors, but what matters is if the higher-ups in this project believe this treasure exists.”

“Treasure?” Mav snorted loudly. “Are you kidding me? What kind of treasure do they think a pack of shifters is hiding?”

“No idea,” I admitted. “Her pack is quite old, though, so…I dunno, accumulated wealth? Stored as gold? Gems? I didn’t think anyone believed in treasure hoards anymore, but who’s to say.”

“And what does that have to do with the kid? Bella, right?”

“Right.” I leaned back into the chair. “Some of the rumors state that the treasure can only be accessed with the blood of an alpha. Again, no, I don’t know where it’s hidden or what that actuallymeans, but if they believe it, it matters to them. And yes, Bella is an alpha. I don’t know if there’s any other alphas in her pack. We haven’t been able to get in touch with anyone at all.”

I could practically hear my friend frown. “And what’s the pack’s name?”

“Crescent Moon,” I replied after a moment, not sure why I was hesitating. Maverick was a man I could trust, and yet…something in my gut still felt unnerved by this entire conversation.

“Huh.” I heard a shuffle as Mav jostled his phone from one ear to the other, presumably taking notes. “Well, I’ll see if I can’t get any information about this treasure — if the Raven Brothers or their clients believe in it. I don’t suppose you know?”

“No,” I replied, shrugging. “I don’t know that they do at all. It’s not as if we can ask Bella why they were keeping her, and both of her parents were, ah…” I looked around. Bella was still outside with my father, but I didn’t want to risk saying the words outside and crushing the little girl’s world. “Not able to give Iris detailed information in the moment.”

“Got it,” Mav said, and I exhaled, relieved. “Well, I’ll see what I can find.”

“Be careful.” But I sighed, aware my request was mostly falling on deaf ears. “You’re the new guy, Mav. You don’t want to be too nosy.”
