Page 50 of Resisting the Alpha

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“Twenty-three.” I glanced over at him as I paused at a stop sign. “You?”

“Twenty-five,” he replied smugly. “Older than you.”

I rolled my eyes, but not without a soft chuckle. “Ah, and you’re so mature!” I teased.

He huffed, but there was a small smile on his lips. “Are you calling me immature, Iris? I’m hurt.”

“Women mature faster than men,” I replied smugly. “I bet you were the kind of boy who used condoms as balloons, weren’t you?”

Eli ducked his head, but he couldn’t hold the laughter in. “I… Yes. But only once!” he said as if that somehow made it better. “My cousin was nineteen, we were all smashed, and there was a water balloon fight…”

He trailed off, and I couldn’t help but join in with his mirth, shaking my head. “I think you just proved my point, Eli.”



Redwood Motel

Austin, Texas

We arrived back at the Redwood Motel, and Iris parked near her room. I got out of the car and followed her, wanting to make sure she made it in okay. It was a motel, so she could ask the night watch to let her in, but… I had a few manners. She paused once it was unlocked, turning to face me as she leaned against the doorframe. “Thanks for coming with me,” she said, a tired smile on her face. “I’m not sure I would have gotten so many answers without you.”

My wolfpractically purred under her praise. I’d almost forgotten about him while we wereon the case; all my attention had been wrapped up in Ryan and what he’d gotten himself into. Now that the adrenaline had waned, though… His ears were pressed forward as he whined, bowing down in some sort of invitation.Don’t get your hopes up,I warned him. Neither of us believed in fated mates, for one thing and another— Even if she did, could her wolf even respond right now? She was so exhausted earlier.

I brushed the thought off. “That was the most interesting first date I’ve ever been on,” I teased. Iris’ expression gave a little twitch, and I immediately regretted it.

She raised a brow at me. “You must go on some boring dates,” she replied, and I was grateful I hadn’t, at least, totally killed the playful mood. “But that wasn’t a date. That was work, Eli. We don’t mix business and pleasure.”

“You’re right,” I replied easily. “A good date should end in a good-night kiss.”

I was having more difficulty ignoring my wolf’s sense. He hadn’t doubted what we’d felt for a moment, and the more I got to know Iris… the more I found myself attracted to her, and not simply physically. Not in the self-detrimental sort of way, either. I just — I wanted her. There was no other way to say it.

No matter what you want, Eli, this isn’t going to work out.

Sooner or later, I would have to return to England. Even if it wasn’t now, it would happen. My father wouldn’t live forever, and eventually, Iwouldbe the alpha of the Longbow pack. Well, unless I gave it up to Remus, but…

The thought made me and my wolf prickle.At least we’re still on the same page about that.

Iris had no reason to come to London. Honestly, she had no reason to stick around Austin after this case was finished. She had no reason to keep spending time with me, either. Any kind of relationship would be doomed from the start.

And yet…

And yet I wanted her anyway, even knowing all of that.What is wrong with me? Get a grip, Eli!

My wolf rumbled his dissension — as far as he was concerned, nothing was wrong with either of us. For the first time in my life, I wanted someone for more than a one-night stand. Iris was someone I wanted to wake up next to the morning after. Go out to breakfast with. Take out to dinner. Talk about work or pack drama or… whatever it was that couples talked about.

But that isn’t what she wants.

As far as I could tell, anyway. No matter what I did, I couldn’t push too hard or anything, and everything would be shut down. Iris had made that obvious both in what she told me about her past and how wary she was with me.

“You just going to stand there and moon at me, wolf?” Iris prompted, pulling me from my thoughts.

“Sorry,” I murmured, ducking my head down sheepishly. “It’s been a long-ass day. You’re probably tired.” Hell,Iwas tired.

The corner of her mouth quirked up. “You don’t know the half of it. Late night. Morning run. No lack of adrenaline in between.”

I almost smiled until I remembered howexhaustedIris had looked after the run. She didn’t look refreshed, but rather like a dead woman walking. I tried not to frown. “Are you feeling all right?”
