Page 12 of Stripped Down

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I can hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears and little tingles run over my skin.

Me: “It only looks like skulking because you know nothing about running a bakery. I have to make sure everything runs smoothly up front.”

Poking my head back out, I see him shake his head. He’s grinning. It’s the first time I’ve really seen him smile. He’s usually all stern and intense. But god, his smile. He’s so fucking handsome when he grins like that. It makes my heart do strange and dangerously floppy things in my chest. I can hear my heartbeat pounding in my ears and little tingles run over my skin. I can’t help grinning back.

I might admit, if only to myself, that I’d love nothing more than to go out there and sit with him. My whole body longs to be close to him. It’s a terrible idea, of course. I’m the one who drew the line in the sand. This is a professional working relationship. It’s what I asked him for, and he made it clear it’s what he wants too.

So there’s no way I’m going out there. That’s just setting myself up for failure and heartbreak.

Me: “I have to get back to work. Enjoy your breakfast.”

I head straight back to the kitchen without looking to see how he reacts. My phone vibrates in my pocket against my leg, but I ignore it and go back to my cakes.
