Page 25 of Stripped Down

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Chapter 21: Olive

I have spent the afternoon getting pampered, polished, and cleaned up. My muscles are relaxed, my toes have a fresh coat of red polish, and my outlook on life is significantly improved. Even my hair looks happier.

I feel a million times better than when I fell into bed last night. I strut into the restaurant swinging my leather clad hips and feeling like a badass. Chelsea isn’t here yet, so I give the hostess my name and wait at the bar. I flag the bartender and order a glass of Prosecco before checking my phone. I missed a text from Chelsea.

Chelsea: “Some jackass rear-ended me. I have to get my car towed. Not going to make it.”

Well, shit.

Me: “That sucks! Are you ok? Do you want me to come pick you up?”

Chelsea: “I’m fine. Matt is already on his way. Rain check on dinner?”

I let out a disappointed sigh but send her the thumbs up emoji. Knowing Matt, he won’t let her out of his sight for the rest of the night.

On my own. Again. After the disappointment of last night I’m still a little raw and despite my amazing day I’m still feeling a little down. Lonely. Well, lonely and hungry. My stomach rumbles loudly. All I’ve eaten today was a smoothie at the spa and that is NOT enough. I order some blistered Shishito peppers and a charcuterie plate and open the Kindle app on my phone. I might as well enjoy my alone time.

I’m so wrapped up in my book and my food that I don’t even notice the man sitting next to me until he interrupts a very steamy scene.

“What are you reading?” he asks, jarring me back from an icy planet far, far away. He’s good looking in a generic way. I tip my phone away from him, making sure he can’t see what I was reading. Somehow I don’t think he’d appreciate the sexy sci-fi romance as much as I do.

On a scale of one to ten, I wonder how rude it would be to just ignore him and go back to my story. But I’m not a total dick and, even though I don’t want to, I answer him. Sort of.

“A book.” I say flatly before going back to my phone.

“Is it a good one?”

I sigh and pointedly put my phone down on the bar before looking back up at him. He’s got a Ken Doll thing going on. I’m sure it works for him most of the time.

“It is a really good book but I’m pretty sure it’s not your thing. I’m also guessing you’re not going to let me focus on it.”

He chuckles and gives me a grin that would probably charm the panties off most straight women. Me? My vagina is reaching Sahara levels of dry.

He doesn’t have stormy blue eyes or a soft scruffy beard or those little crinkles around his eyes. Maybe I shouldn’t be comparing this guy to Brooks. Maybe it’s not fair, but I guess this is where I’m at. He’s not Brooks, so I’m not interested.

“Can you blame me? You’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen, and it looks like you’re here alone. I’ve gotta take a shot, right? I’m Kevin.” He’s leering at me, openly eyeing me like I’m a snack. It makes my skin crawl.

He flags the bartender to send over another round of drinks. Great. I open my mouth to say no thank you, but I’m interrupted by a deep voice coming from right behind me.

“She’s not here alone.”

I. Know. That. Voice. An excited shiver runs through my body, and my breath catches in my chest. I shouldn’t feel relieved. I’m a grown ass woman and I can tell a dip shit like Kevin to shove off, but if Brooks wants to do it for me, I won’t say no. I might even enjoy it a little bit.

I slowly spin on my bar stool and look up into the face of the man that I’ve been comparing Kevin to. I cross my legs and lean my elbows back on the bar, trying to look relaxed even though I feel anything but.

“What are you doing here, Brooks?”

Brooks looks me up and down hungrily. This gaze I don’t mind. His eyes are burning with intensity as he puts his hands on the bar behind me, caging me. His face is inches from mine and I can feel his warm breath tickle my neck as he answers me.

“I’m here for you, obviously.” His rough baritone sends waves of heat through my body and I clench my thighs together, wishing my body didn’t react so strongly to his.

My eyes dart around the restaurant and to a wide-eyed Kevin still sitting next to me before landing back on the serious expression on Brooks’ face.

“Hot and cold, much?” I ask as calmly as I can manage. My shallow rapid breathing betrays my voice though. He stares at me hard, blue eyes pinning me in place as he thinks for a second. His closeness has me on edge and I want him so badly. I’m equal parts terrified and hoping he’s going to kiss me again. I lick my lips as I think about the way his lips felt on mine.

“Hey.” Kevin seems to have collected some of his wits because he interrupts our staring contest. I don’t know if he’s a complete idiot or if he’s had one too many drinks. Either way, he has the balls to grab Brooks by the arm. “I just bought her a drink, man. Wait your turn.” The anger that flashes in Brooks’ eyes would be frightening if it were directed at me. I scrunch up one eye, wincing. Bad move, Kevin.

Brooks slowly turns to look Kevin in the eye. His voice is deadly calm. “There will be no turns. She’s with me. Now take your disgusting hand off me before I break your arm.” If I was Kevin, I’d probably be peeing my pants right about now. He sure as fuck doesn’t look very brave as he snatches his hand back and scoots to the other end of the bar like a kicked puppy.
