Page 36 of Stripped Down

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Chapter 28: Brooks

After weeks of pushing and seemingly getting nowhere with Olive, I’m relieved to have her tucked up in my truck, taking her home with me. She looks so good like this. The sun streaming in behind her, making her hair shine as she smiles at me. She wears her emotions all over her face and I can see how much trust it’s taking for her to let me in. She’s being brave and I swear to god, I’ll never give her a reason to be sorry she trusted me.

As we drive south to my house, I’m getting more and more nervous. Thirty-three years old and I’ve never brought a woman home like this. I’ve dated here and there, but never anything serious. I never thought I had the time but, in reality, I never made the time. I sat down and looked at my schedule today, rearranging things to make sure I had time to see Olive every day after she finished at the bakery.

It wasn’t even hard. I’ve always hired enough help as the company grew. I make sure I take care of my employees and get as little turnover as possible. It was just good business sense in the past, but now it’s going to free me up to spend as much time with Olive as possible.

I drive up the narrow lane to my house and I can’t help eyeing Olive, waiting for her reaction. I bought the land three years ago and built the house myself. It’s a modern two-story with an open floor plan and the most amazing view out over a neighboring vineyard. I put in a huge master suite, opening onto a balcony overlooking the natural stone pool.

It’s everything I ever wanted in a house, but after seeing Olive’s little apartment with its eclectic styling, I’m afraid she’s going to hate it. I’d rather squash into the little studio above the bakery with her than live out here alone. Maybe I can convince her to help me redecorate it. Or I can sell it. Whatever she wants.

The road bends, and my house comes into view behind a stand of oak trees.

“Holy shit!” Olive’s pretty mouth hangs open in shock and she looks back at me before gaping at the house again. I’ve been in this business long enough to know that’s a good reaction and my nerves ease. A little.

Parking the car in the driveway, I’m out of the truck before Olive is even unbuckled. She lets me help her down, her warm hand clasped in mine and just that contact is enough to set my heart thumping in my chest.

“What do you think?” I ask, keeping my eyes on her as she looks up at the house.

She examines the house for a moment and then turns to me with squinted eyes, trying to contain a smile. “What I want to know, is why the hell would we stay at my crappy apartment last night when you’ve been sitting on this beast?”

Chuckling, I wrap an arm around her shoulder and pull her close to my side. “Because your apartment was closer and you couldn’t wait to sit on my beast.”

Olive lets out a short laugh and slaps my chest. “I’d be pissed at you for talking to me like that if it weren’t true. Show me around, feed me, and then we can see about that beast of yours.” Pleasure rumbles through me at the thought, but I stuff the desire down and lead her around to the front door.

She’s a toucher, I realize. I see a lot of people explore new spaces after we build them. Most people are content to look, but some have to touch everything. Olive can’t seem to help herself as she walks into my house. Her fingers graze the wall, flit over my lamp, and run along the back of my couch.

She’s mesmerizing. Leaning back against the door, watching her, it’s a moment I know I’m going to remember for the rest of my life.

This thing between us has been stirring since the moment she opened the hotel door, green eyes shining. I’ve already claimed her as mine. Now that I finally have her here, I know I won’t be able to let her go back to her apartment. She would make this place feel like a real home and I’ll fight to keep her here.

Olive grins at me from the couch. “What’s that look for?”

“Nothing. You just make me happy,” I tell her, moving to take her hand and pull her up. “Let me feed you and then I’ll give you a tour.” The whole house smells like the pot roast I put in the crock pot this morning and it’s making my stomach rumble.

“God, this kitchen!” Olive exclaims. She admires my stovetop before spotting the crock pot with the pot roast bubbling away and laughs. “That explains the delicious smell. Did you really come home and put dinner in the crock pot for me this morning?”

“I promised to feed you and this is one of the few things I can make without fail.” I grin at her wide eyed look and pull a loaf of bread out of its Olive Branch Bakery bag. “Plus I bought a loaf of rosemary sourdough from this really amazing bakery.”

“Jesus, that’s simultaneously the cutest and sexiest thing you’ve ever said.” Her dress swishes around her hips as she walks around the kitchen, inspecting my appliances. It is very distracting. I pull out a chair at the table and gesture for Olive to have a seat. I just need her to hold still for a minute or I’m not going to make it through dinner.

Unfortunately, I’m no less distracted by a sitting Olive than I was a swishing one. Her wrap dress hugs her curves and when she sits, crossing one leg over the other, the skirt of her dress slips to the side, exposing the smooth caramel of her knees and tantalizing stretches of thigh.

She catches me staring and gives me a downright smug smile. The little minx did it on purpose! Oh, she’s going to get it. Growling, I remind myself I promised to feed her.

“Tell me about your house. I’m curious.” Olive bounces one foot absentmindedly while she watches me slice the bread.

“What do you want to know?”

“Well… when did you buy it, I guess?” She props her chin on her hand, waiting for me to answer her.

“I built it, actually. It’s how I met Della.”

“No way! She was your architect?”

“Yeah. She did a great job too.”

“I’m kind of pissed she kept you a secret for so long,” Olive squints at me.
