Page 24 of Mowed Over

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Chapter 15: Ben

It nearly kills me not to look back at Lilah as I rejoin Jack at the bar, and I make it at least 75% of the way before I give in. She's sitting down again and laughing at something her sister said.

"That's the bartender from Blue Ruin, right?" Jack eyes Lilah appreciatively, and I have the sudden impulse to punch my best friend in the face. I hold back, settling for flexing my fist and clenching my jaw.

"Yeah, and her sisters."

"Jesus, those are some good genes," he says. "They look so familiar. I feel like I know them from somewhere."

I've resisted the urge to poke into Lilah's family online. Normally, I wouldn't think twice about it. Hell, I've dodged plenty of bullets with good old-fashioned googling. If someone puts something on the internet, I figure it's fair game... but not with Lilah. If I learn something about her, I want it to be because she tells me herself. She's a challenge and a half, though I feel like I'm finally getting somewhere. I didn't miss the dazed expression when I kissed her cheek or the soft look in her eyes before I walked away.

Jack snaps his fingers, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Do they have two brothers? Dark hair, run Donovan Auto?"

"Yes to the brothers, though I'm not sure about the auto shop."

"They worked on my bike; do you remember? You picked me up there once."

"Vaguely? You want me to introduce you? Sally, the lady with blue hair sounded interested."

Jack gives her a thoughtful look. "Pity I'm not into cougars."

"I wasn't aware you had a type. Your dating life seems more like a free-for-all."

Jack flips me off half-heartedly. "Don't be a dick. Of course, I have a type, I just don't like to limit myself."

"That's fine, as long as you don't end up with another Daphne situation."

Jack makes the sign of the cross. "Do you mind? Say her name twice more and you'll summon her."

"Sorry," I say with a laugh. Jack lost his dad last year and his money-grubbing ex-fiancé left him when he left his lucrative job in San Francisco to take over the crumbling family winery. I can't fault him for having a little fun with his freedom, even if I wouldn't do the same thing.

We spend the rest of lunch talking about the winery. I do my damnedest not to watch Lilah smiling and laughing in the sunshine, but it's difficult. I'm like a moth to the flame with her.

Lilah gets up to leave as Jack and I are waiting for our check. The patient, strategic side of me knows I should play it cool, let her leave with just a wave or nod. She looks at me as her group heads for the elevator, and I can't help winking at her as I look her up and down one last time. She's sexy as hell, a small smile playing at the corner of her lips despite a solid effort to hide it.

Fuck strategic.

I dig in my wallet for cash and slap a fifty on the counter before smacking Jack on the back. "Good to see you, man," I say before hopping off the bar stool and bolting for the bank of elevators.

Lilah is gone by the time I get there. I press the button and wait, tapping my fingers against my thigh. But none of the doors open and time is slipping away, every second putting more distance between us. I spin and find the door for the stairs, running down them two at a time until I hit the lobby. I catch a flash of white lace and tan legs walking out the front door and jog to catch up.

The sidewalks are crowded with the first rush of spring tourists, drawn downtown for lunch and shopping. I have to weave through a group of Red Hat ladies, excusing myself as I go. They titter and one of them catcalls me, or at least I think it passes for a catcall. What else would you call it when a grandma says, "Hey sugar, where are you headed?" before slapping my ass? Wine country is weird.

Between the handsy septuagenarian and the sight of Lilah, just 10 feet ahead of me, I'm so distracted that I accidentally bump right into a man.

"Sorry," I tell him without taking my eyes off my girl. The man just grunts and heads into a shop, ignoring me. Whatever. Lilah must have heard the commotion because she stops walking, turns, and locks eyes with me.

"Let me guess, you're walking this way?" she asks with an arched eyebrow.

"Crazy, huh?" I say with a grin. She bites her lip, clearly not buying it, but she waits for me to catch up. We fall into step behind her sisters who both turn, giving me identical, appraising looks, clearly judging whether I'm good enough for Lilah. Neither seems to find me lacking, but I don't miss the communicative look they give each other. I get the distinct impression that the women in this family are not to be messed with.

The other women peel off towards a shop. Olive tells Lilah she needs to grab something and will meet her back at the bakery in a few minutes. It feels like a thinly veiled attempt to leave me and Lilah alone, but I'm sure as fuck not complaining.

"Oh. Ok..." Lilah replies. She looks down the street and then gives me an embarrassed smile.

"Where are you headed?" I ask Lilah.

"Back to work," she says, gesturing at a red clapboard building two blocks down.
