Page 15 of Revved Up

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Iwander through the auto shop, searching for the bathroom. I open a door, but it’s just an office. No dice. I’m about to close the door when I see the Juniper Kerry novel sitting on the desk. It’s the same one I gave Lukas all of four days ago, but it’s almost unrecognizable from the shiny, crisp novel I shoved into his chest as I pushed him out the door.

I pick it up, bewildered at the condition. The pages are dog-eared, and it looks as though it’s been through at least one water balloon fight. The whole dang book is rippled with water damage, there are grease stains all over the place, the cover is torn up on one side and there’s a chunk missing off one corner.

A throat clears behind me, startling me and making me jump. I turn to face Lukas, feeling guilty for snooping in his office. His coveralls are folded down around his waist, his broad chest wrapped in a grease-stained white t-shirt. There’s still a black grease streak on his cheekbone, but it only makes him look more handsome. The tattoos on his arms are visible and God, am I a sucker for those things.

Refusing to give him the satisfaction of gawking at him, I hold up the paperback. “Are you a monster?”

Lukas grins at me as he steps into the office, “Careful, I’m not done with that.” He reaches out to take the book, his fingers brushing mine as I release it. I’m suddenly aware of how very small this office is. Lukas is wearing a lazy smirk as he runs a hand over the book like he has a secret he’s not sharing with the room.

“Careful?” I laugh. “That thing looks like it’s been through a woodchipper. How on earth did you do that much damage in four days?” I ask, curious if a little horrified.

“I was reading it out back and set it down on the table. Asher accidentally got it with the hose.” He points at the gouged corner. “That was a slip with the drill.” He rubs a hand over the cover, “And this was where Jack backed over it on his bike.”

I watch his fingers caress the cover and the worst part of me wants him to run those fingers over my neck and across my chest. I weirdly love the idea that he was carrying it around the garage with him, reading it in his free time.

“So, you read it? Are reading it, I mean?”

Lukas looks at me, eyebrows drawn down like he thinks I’m being a little crazy. “Yeah.”


“What do you mean, why? Because it’s good. What’s with the third degree? You’re the one who gave it to me, Parker.”

“Yeah, but...I thought you were just making fun of me. Never mind. I’m glad you like it. There are like five more in the series,” I say awkwardly. I don’t know where to look, so I settle on the book in his grease-stained hands. Fudgesicles. Why is that turning me on?

“I should call for a ride,” I blurt, pulling out my phone. I can’t really afford a Lyft, but I don’t have any other options until I figure out how to pay for my car repairs. I flinch as I remember that all of this is going to be catastrophically expensive.

“Um, I know this is weird because she’s your sister and it’s not like she works here, but Lilah said I could do a payment plan or something,” I say, staring at the phone in my hands.

“We’ll figure it out. Don’t worry about the cost right now,” Lukas says. I get the impression he’s being cagey, but I’m not sure why.

“Okay… thanks.” I edge around him towards the door, playing with my phone. “I’ll just wait outside until my ride gets here.” I’m opening the rideshare app when Lukas puts a hand on my elbow, holding me next to him. That small touch, his calloused hand on my skin, makes me burn.

“I’ll give you a ride home.”

“No,” I say too quickly, too loudly. “I mean, no thank you. I already owe you more than I can repay right now. I don’t want to waste the rest of your Saturday. I’ll call for a ride.”

“But I’d like to giveyou a ride.”

Oh my. Why did he have to word it like that? I’m picturing a very different kind of ride than the one he’s offering. He’s so close I can feel the heat from his chest on my shoulder, his breath teasing my skin. The heady combination of his closeness and the innuendo buried in his offer sends a blush spreading across my face and my breath catching in my chest. It’s probably too much to hope that he missed my reaction.

Lukas smiles at me, and it’s not his usual smirk. It’s softer, sweeter. And the way his eyes search mine is so… intimate. Why does he make me feel like this? Like I know him so much better than I do. It defies every interaction I’ve had with him.

“Come on, I’m heading out anyway. Besides, it’s not like I had big plans tonight.”

Right. So I’m only a minor inconvenience. I release a lungful of air and it comes out more of a huff than I meant it to, but Lukas is being nice. I know he’s not into me, but we could be friendly, right? I mean, I’m close with his sisters. It’s not like either of us is going anywhere. And maybe I’m just a glutton for punishment, but it’s impossible to turn down a little more time with him.

“Yeah, okay. Thank you.”

Lukas’ smile pulls up higher on one side. “Great. Do you mind hanging out for a second? Asher should have closed everything up, but I need to double-check.”

I nod. “Sure.” I take the book from his hands and drop into one of the chairs facing his desk. Lukas chuckles with an actual full smile as he steps out. I look at the book, shaking my head at the dog-eared pages before picking a spot in the middle.

“Monster,” I whisper as I see the writing in the margin. Ask Parker about the tusks is scrawled next to a description of one of the alien races. He underlined one of the sex scenes with a note that reads Parker is a dirty bird and it makes me laugh. I flip through the rest of the novel looking for notes and laughing at his comments. A little knock on the door frame rips me back to reality and I look up, my mouth still curved in a smile.

“You ready?” he asks.
