Page 22 of Revved Up

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Anita, the owner of the taco stand, has been running it since I was a kid. She’s also friends with my gran, something I didn’t consider until just now. She gives me a raised eyebrow as Parker and I approach the window. Parker’s too busy reading the menu to catch the look, but I sure do. I’d bet my left nut she’ll be texting my gran five seconds after we leave.

“Hi Anita,” I say as I lean against the truck, trying to lay on the charm.

“Hi yourself,” she replies. “You staying out of trouble?” she asks, making me chuckle. Ten years on the straight and narrow and she still always asks me the same thing.

“Mostly,” I answer back.

She purses her lips and squints at me like she doesn’t quite believe me. “Mm-hm,” she says before turning her attention to Parker. “Hey sweetie, what can I getcha?”

“One taco al pastor and one shredded pork, please,” Parker says with a smile.

“That’s it? That’s not enough!” Anita teases. “They’re little. You need at least three.”

Parker blushes. “Oh, um… that’s ok. I had a big lunch, but thank you.” She reaches into her purse, digging for her wallet, but I put my hand on her arm. I know she’s worried about money. I’ve heard enough from my sisters, even before her car exploded, to know that she’s barely getting by. Something I’m going to find a way to fix.

“I’ve got you, Freckles,” I say before adding six tacos, two ears of grilled corn, and two cups of homemade lemonade to the order. She tries to argue, but I shut her down with a quick kiss as I hand my credit card to Anita. “Kidnapper pays, those are the rules,” I say.

She laughs and gives up, but Anita gives me a suspicious look as she hands my card back, spinning the iPad around for me to sign.

“You kidnapped her? Should I be calling the police?” She asks, looking Parker up and down. “She looks too young for you. You’re not robbing the cradle, are you Lukas?” Parker blushes bright red and stutters as I laugh.

“No ma’am,” I say. “She’s a willing victim. Mostly.”

Parker finds her voice, “It’s true. He took me to the beach, and I swear, I’m older than I look.”

Anita smiles at that. “Oh, I’m just teasing sweetie. Lukas is a good man. Just mind he treats you like a lady because—”

“Thanks, Anita!” I interrupt before she can tell Parker any horror stories from my youth. Anita knows way too much.

Her summer help, a frazzled-looking teenager, hands me a tray loaded with food. He slides the lemonade towards us. Parker picks them up with a quiet “Thank you” and a smile that makes the kid blush. I can’t say I blame him, but I stare him down, anyway. Placing my free hand on the small of her back, I lead her to a picnic table at the far corner of the gravel lot.

I sit next to Parker and hand her one of the al pastor tacos. She takes a big bite and moans as she chews it. The sound goes straight to my dick. I can just imagine her moaning like that as I sink inside her—

“Why are you watching me eat?” she asks, interrupting a fantasy that was getting dirtier by the second.

“You’re sexy as hell,” I say.

She laughs like she doesn’t believe me, looking back down at the tray and changing the subject.

“I don’t know how you’re going to eat all that.”

“I’m not,” I say. “You’re going to help. I know for a fact you haven’t eaten anything in hours.”

Right on cue, her stomach rumbles.

I give her an I-told-you-so face, holding an ear of corn out for her. She rolls her eyes but takes it with a smile. We eat happily, conversation on hold until the tray in front of us is all taco wrappers and empty salsa containers.

“God, that was so good,” Parker sighs before sipping on her lemonade.

“Best tacos in California,” I tell her. I want to sit here all night. I know I’m going to have to take her home but I’m not ready to let her go yet. I want more of her. The little touches, the sweet smiles... all of it.

The universe seems to be working against me, though. Lightning flashes and thunder rumbles from the direction of the beach. Fuck. I don’t want Parker riding on my bike in a storm. Besides being dangerous, it just sucks to ride through anything more than a drizzle.

“Time to go, Freckles. We should get you home.”

Parker nods, but I’m gratified to see she doesn’t look happy either. We wave goodbye to Anita who blows a kiss at Parker before pointing two fingers at her eyes and then me in the universal gesture for I’m-watching-you-so-don’t-fuck-it-up.

I give Anita a salute in return and turn back towards Parker. She tucks her hands in her back pockets as we walk and I rest my hand on her lower back, rubbing my fingers along the waistband of her jeans. Parker looks down at the gravel, a smile spreading across her face.
