Page 56 of Revved Up

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Filling Julia in on my outburst has me steaming all over again. The only thing that keeps me moderately calm is the look on Lukas’ face. The small smile would look smug to anyone else, but I know he’s proud of me and grateful that I stood up for him. I hate that it’s a novelty for someone to have his back, but I can’t say that I feel any different. I’ve never had someone to lean on the way I leaned on Lukas today. It’s been a shitty day, but here he is, holding me tight and stroking my hair.

The new doctor shows up a minute after Julia. The middle-aged woman with a sharp bob and severe features walks into the room like she owns it, but she has a friendly glint in her eye when she says, “Good evening, Miss Thompson. I’m Doctor Casler. I hear we’ve had some excitement this evening.”

Lukas snorts behind his hand.

“Yeah, you could say that,” I answer tersely. “For the record, my boyfriend is not abusive. I did this,” I hold my hand up in front of me, wincing at the jolt of pain that runs through it, “punching a drunk douchebag who was kicking a dog.”

The doctor raises her eyebrows at me.

“And I’m not sorry, either,” I add.

“Very good,” the doctor nods, looking down at the chart in her hands. “Let’s get some imaging done and figure out our next steps. You’re not one of our E.R. nurses,” the angular woman says to Julia.

“No doctor, I’m his sister and her best friend. I’m not here in an official capacity,” Julia says, unclipping her ID badge and slipping it into her pocket.

“Very good,” the doctor says again. “I’ll have someone bring you ice and something for the pain if you don’t have any questions…”

I shake my head, happy to have her leave and get this show on the road. Finally. I’m given some ibuprofen and a bag of ice and whisked away for X-rays a few minutes later. When I get back, Julia jokes that my outburst is to thank for the speedy care.

“He had it coming,” I grump at her as Lukas settles back in next to me, stroking my hair. My hand is throbbing angrily, despite the ice pack and medication. Part of me wishes they’d given me something stronger than Advil, but I guess I’m coping. I’m still salty about the way Lukas was treated and the longer I lay here, tired and in excruciating pain, the grumpier I get.

Julia laughs softly, grabbing me another blanket and spreading it out over my legs.

“No arguments here, sister. Between the three of us, I can’t stand Weaver. He’s a condescending prick, and I’m glad you yelled at him. Casler has a good reputation, though. The nurses all like her because she doesn’t fuck around.”

Julia dims the lights and sits in the chair next to my bed, digging her phone out of a pocket. The dim lights, the warmth of Lukas’ body, and the repetitive stroking of his fingers through my hair lull me into something almost resembling a relaxed state. If it wasn’t for the pain in my hand and the bustle of the hospital outside my room, I think I’d happily take a nap.

It’s not long before Dr. Casler bustles back into the room. “The good news is you didn’t break anything,” she says without preamble. “Unfortunately, your thumb is dislocated. I’m going to give you a local anesthetic and we’ll pop it back into place. You’ll need to wear a stabilizing sprint and a sling for a couple of weeks, but it’ll be good as new after that.”

Lukas lets out a relieved breath, ruffling my hair. “And then she can go home?”

Dr. Casler cocks an eyebrow at him as she says, “Unless she’d like to terrorize a couple more of my colleagues, yes, she can go home after that.”

Julia snorts next to me.

I’m a ninny so I turn my head, looking away as the doctor numbs my hand and relocates my injured thumb. I can’t feel a thing, but once it’s over, I look up at Lukas and he seems a little green around the gills. “Maybe you shouldn’t have watched either,” I tease.

Julia walks us to the doors before clipping her badge back to her top.

“Thank you,” I tell her. “For sitting with us and for taking care of me.”

Julia grins at me. “Anytime. Although, I’d really like to see you hit the next guy in person. It’s not the same having it retold.”


“You want me to have Olive drop off some food for you?” she asks.

“Oh my god, yes, please. I’m starving,” I reply.

“I’ll text her right now,” she says as she leans in, giving me a careful kiss on the cheek before hugging Lukas goodbye. “I’ll see you two at dinner tomorrow,” she says with a wink.

It’s dark when we finally exit the hospital. The summer heat warms my skin, and for once, I can enjoy the warmth instead of feeling smothered by it. After being stuck in that icebox of a building, it feels perfect. Lukas hovers over every movement I make, his hand on my back as we cross the parking lot to his brother’s truck.

To my delight, Lukas’ truck is back, parked next to Asher’s. The windows are all rolled down and Cujo’s wide face is hanging out the back window, tongue lolling happily. He whines when he sees me, prancing his paws in place like he can’t contain his excitement.

Asher hops out of the truck and tosses Lukas the keys. “He drooled all over your backseat. Good luck with that,” he says with a surly scowl. Lukas shrugs, returning Asher’s truck key to him.
