Page 66 of Revved Up

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Epilogue: Parker

Iwatch in slow motion as Lilah passes me a glass of champagne, a flute of seltzer in her other hand, and her adorable pregnant belly filling out her party dress.

Oh shit.

Maybe my eyes give something away because she squints at me as I take the champagne, trying not to hold it like it could turn into a spider at any moment. I force a smile, trying to look like I’m not freaking out on the inside. For the record, I’m full-blown, screaming crazy, bouncing off the walls of my mind. But on the surface, I’m just a duck, floating on a pond, calm as can be.

My best friend’s rehearsal dinner might be one of the single worst times to realize my period is late, but that actually says more about how amazing my life is than anything else. My shop has blown up into one of the top romance-only bookstores on the West Coast and a must-see tourist stop for anyone that loves romance.

The Mackenna Jade book signing turned out to be a turning point for Sorry, I’m Booked. Once I hosted her, I had authors requesting to do book signings so often that I had to hire someone to organize and run the events. I’ve been featured in travel magazines, blogs, and was even asked to do a spot on a national morning talk show.

And as amazing as all of that is, that’s just work. Lukas is my life and I’m his. We can’t get enough of each other. Even after hiring full-time help at the bookstore, the days I take off aren’t enough time with him. There are mornings I wake up and can’t believe how much my life has changed in four months. And now it might all change again…

Lukas is grinning at me from across the party, his dark hair and wide shoulders making his suit look like straight sin. He lifts his glass to me, winking, and I nearly swoon. I hope the way he affects me never wears off. I’m not sure how much of a bad boy he’ll be at eighty-five, but I’ll still love the hell out of him. Unbidden, the image of an aging Lukas peeling out on a Rascal flits through my head and I have to stifle a laugh.

Lilah taps the microphone set up on her patio, looking down the line at Julia, Chelsea, Sally, and me before giving her Maid of Honor toast. I smile like I’m paying attention, laughing when everyone else does, but all I can think of is when I can get out of here and find a pregnancy test. I do wonder how Lukas will react, though I’m not overly worried. He’s got a soft spot for babies and we talked about having kids in the future. This would just be earlier than we planned.

Everyone raises their glasses and I toast along with them, putting the glass to my lips without drinking a drop. As soon as the party resumes, I set my glass on the catering tray, picking up a glass of water. One of Brooks’ cousins restores classic cars, and he’s been monopolizing my fiancé all night. I’m debating whether I should steal my man away or let him talk shop a little longer when I feel a hand tug on my elbow.

Lilah’s eyes are knowing as she hooks her elbow with mine. “I saw that you know,” she whispers conspiratorially.

“Saw what?” I ask with as much innocence as I can muster.

“You didn’t drink the champagne, but you pretended to. You’re pregnant, aren’t you?” She’s bouncing with excitement, green eyes sparkling.

“I don’t know…” I whisper. “Maybe… I just realized I’m late. I might sneak off if that’s ok? I don’t know if I can stay here all night wondering.”

“Oh, my God! This is awesome,” she whispers before smiling at a guest I don’t recognize and raising her voice. “Hi Susan! I’m so glad you could make it! Did you get one of the crab cakes?” She gently steers the woman the other way, tugging me towards the back door of her house and whispering, “Come on, I have a leftover pregnancy test upstairs.”

Oh, thank God. I just need to know one way or the other.

I follow her up to her master bathroom, heart-pounding and grateful we don’t run into any other party guests.

She digs around in the drawers of her vanity until she pulls out a blue box, holding it up triumphantly. “Ha! I knew I had one leftover! Here,” she says, unwrapping the little stick. “Go pee on it!”

I stare at it, blood pounding in my ears. Why is that little thing so scary?!

“Maybe I should wait…”

“Hell no! You can’t walk around worrying about this all night. And what are you going to do tomorrow? Pass off champagne and cocktails all night? Olive has more alcohol for this wedding than an entire naval fleet could drink in a week.”

“I know,” I groan. “Ok. Fine.” I snatch the stick out of her hand and push her out of the bathroom. She laughs as I shut the door.

“I could have turned my back, you know,” she laughs, her voice is muffled as I shut the door.

“Hell no!” I sit and hold the stick so I can pee on it. “This is gross!” I yell at her.

“Pfft,” she scoffs. “It’s just the first of the many indignities you’ll get to enjoy with pregnancy. Wait until you see how enormous maternity panties are!” She cackles.

“Could you try not to sound so gleeful when you say that?” I ask. “Ok, I did it. Now what?”

“Put the cap on, set it down, and walk away!”

“What? Why?” I ask, alarmed. “How long does it take?” I’m trying not to look at it but it’s flipping torture.

“A couple minutes.”

I set a pile of clean toilet paper on the counter and lay the stick on top, but as I do, it’s impossible to miss the big bold word in the window. Pregnant.
