Page 33 of Pent Up

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“Doesn’t what bother me?” I ask, trying not to glance in Mateo’s direction.

“Only wearing one contact. That would drive me bonkers.”

“Oh… It’s not that bad,” I lie. “I’ll go put a new one in once I finish this.”

Parker nods, watching as I toss the salad with some oil and vinegar.

“I’m so excited for you guys,” I say, changing the subject. “Do you feel pregnant yet?” Parker laughs. “Not really… it’s still sinking in, I think.”

“That’s fair. It’s only been a couple days. If you need anything, promise to ask.”

Parker laughs. “Yeah, I won’t complain about having a pediatric nurse on speed dial, but I’ll try not to bug you too much.”

“Like that’s even a thing you could do,” I say, rolling my eyes at her. I set everything down and wrap my arms around her in a big hug. “Accept my love, dammit. You’re my sister just as much as Olive and Lilah. I want you to bug me.”

I know she’s still getting used to having a support system, and sometimes it seems like she needs to be reminded that she’s not an inconvenience. And that is a service I’m more than happy to perform. Anything for the woman who makes my brother so happy.

Parker hugs me back fiercely. “Okay, fine. I promise.”

Luis joins us for dinner and the five of us demolish the pizzas and salad. I do my best to keep my eyes off Mateo because every time I look at him, I get a sick little twist in my stomach. I can’t believe I kissed him. What was I thinking? Oh, that’s right. I wasn’t thinking. My brain completely disengaged the second he touched me. Well… the second that enormous dick of his flexed against my hip.

At this point, I think the best I can do is pretend like it meant nothing. If I can do that convincingly enough, maybe the awkwardness will fade. I need to find a space deep inside of me where I can shove every smidge of emotion that kiss brought to the surface.

Friends. Friends. Friends.

As much as I love Parker and my brother, I’m desperately hoping they’ll leave once we finish dinner so I can hole up in my room and avoid making eye contact with Mateo for the next five years. Lukas clearly isn’t on board with that plan because he pulls out a deck of cards, dealing them out to the five of us.

“You remember how to play Asshole?” he asks Luis.

Luis slides the cards back across the table, “I’m pretty sure your sister will yell at me if I slap cards down with my bad arm. I’ll watch.”

I nod at him because he definitely has the right of it. I was about to demand we do something else before he beat me to it.

“And this way, you can be the asshole all night,” he says to Lukas with a wink.

We play a quick round before Luis announces he’s going back to bed.

“Skip me this round, I’ll be back, asshole,” I tell Lukas, who lost the last round and has to deal.

“Fine by me,” he says. “That makes you the auto-asshole on the next round.”

“That’s fine, I’ll still kick your ass,” I tell him sweetly before following Luis down the hallway.

I make sure he takes his Prednisone before handing him the other half of the pain pill. “Do you need anything else?” I ask, setting a fresh glass of water on the nightstand.

He shakes his head. “Nah, I’m feeling a lot better. I think I might go home tomorrow.”

I frown at him. “Why? You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”

Luis pats my arm. “I know. You’re so good to me, and I couldn’t ask for a better honorary daughter. But I miss my own space and I’ve got a hot date.”

“Fine,” I laugh. “But you have to promise me you won’t overdo it.”

He sighs as he settles into bed. “Yes, yes. I know.”

By the time I get back, Lukas and Mateo have looted beers from my fridge. Parker has a seltzer in her hand as she throws down three aces. “I’m out, beaches!” she laughs as Lukas and Mateo groan. There’s an unopened bottle of beer in my spot. The bottle opener is on the other side of Mateo, between him and Lukas.

“Pass me the bottle opener?” I ask Lukas.
