Page 75 of Pent Up

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I feel drunk, and it’s not the margarita. Mateo knows every button to push to make my head spin with desire, and I’ve never needed anything so bad in my whole damn life.

His broad hand presses my hip to the side, his eyes never leaving mine as he opens the back door and slides in. He sits in the middle of the bench seat and pats his thigh.

“Let’s go, tease.”

I follow him in with a grin, straddling his lap as I pull the door shut behind me.

Mateo grips the back of my neck, pulling my mouth to his. His tongue presses between my lips, stroking into me, claiming me with his kiss. My arms go around his neck and I moan, grinding down on him. Without my panties, my bare pussy rubs against the front of his pants and I whimper. It feels so good, but it’s just a tiny fraction of what I want. My whole body is aching, desperate for more.

Mateo chuckles, the dark, smokey, pleased sound of a man who is absolutely about to wreck my world. He rolls me off him into the seat beside him and I watch as his hands undo his belt, whipping it out of his pants in record time. He does something, looping the belts around in a way that I’m too aroused to really follow, but then he slips the two loops around my wrists, pulling it snug. I grin up at him and he laughs.

“Thought you’d like that.”

I lick my lips as he unzips his pants, getting them halfway down his thighs. His hard dick springs free, thick and veiny, even in the dim light of the parking lot. Mateo grabs my hips, sliding me back into his lap, facing forward, his hard length trapped underneath me. His warm palm flattens over my belly, his other hand taking mine in their makeshift cuffs, and pulling them back behind his head.

His teeth nip at my jaw. “Say the word and we stop, Jules. Got it?”

I nod, shivering as his fingers slip into the front of my dress, rolling my nipple roughly. His palm slides down my belly, grabbing my dress and bunching it up my thighs.

Mateo spreads my legs wide, pulling my feet up to rest on the seat next to his knees. His lips brush against the sensitive skin of my neck as he trails a finger over my folds, sending an arc of pleasure zinging through my body. Anticipation spirals through me as he plays with my arousal, his fingertips barely parting me.

“Such a greedy pussy,” Mateo rumbles low in my ear. His finger circles my clit softly and I moan, my head dropping back to his shoulder. “Does it need to get filled?”

“Yes,” I whimper, squirming in his lap. His finger taps my clit and I gasp, my body contracting with pleasure.

His finger picks up its slow, gentle circles again. “I don’t know… I told you to be a good girl and dance for me…”

Mateo reaches down between us, fisting his cock, stroking his length with the coconut oil he snagged from my purse. He rubs the swollen head against my pussy.

“But you went and took off your wet panties to tease me instead. Do you think you deserve this dick?” He taps it against my clit and I moan, arching against the onslaught of sensation.


“Yes, you deserve it or yes, you like that?”

“Both,” I pant, rolling my head to kiss his neck. A rumble of humor vibrates his chest behind me.

“I love you, dirty girl. If I let you have this dick, are you going to be quiet?” The head of his dick keeps tapping on my clit until I can’t think straight, I’m just one bundle of need.

“Answer me, Jules. Are you going to be quiet?”

“Y-yes,” I whimper.

He presses against my opening and I raise my hips, compliant and desperate. Sinking down on him, I moan as his thick length stretches me.

Mateo’s forehead falls to my shoulder as he mutters, “Fuck. Oh, fuck. Jules.”

His fingers strum over my clit as I rock my hips, pleasure swirling through my body like my very heart is pumping it.

“Oh,” I moan, too loud.

“Shh,” Mateo hushes me “If you can’t be quiet, I’ll find something to put in that mouth,” he whispers. It’s hardly a fair threat, though. He pinches my nipple, cupping my breast as his fingers work my clit faster.

I can feel my skin flushing, my heart racing behind the walls of my chest and I can’t help the sounds he’s making come out of my mouth.

“Please, Mateo. Oh God… I’m so close.”

His hand leaves my breast and a second later, he stuffs something soft in my mouth, muffling my cries. His hand goes to my throat, squeezing the sides as he thrusts up hard underneath me, impaling and stretching every inch of me until I can’t see straight. I can feel his arms flex around me, shaking, holding back and making sure I go first.
