Page 2 of Bewitched By You

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“What happened? Are you hurt?”

“No,” I laugh through my tears. “My boyfriend just felt the need to swap spit with someone else.”

Jonas clenches his jaw and stomps toward the building, but I grab him and pull him back.

“Don’t,” I plead. “I promise it’s not worth it.” He opens his mouth like he wants to argue with me, but I interrupt as the dam bursts and tears roll down my cheeks all over again. “Please. I just want to go home.”

Jonas hesitates for half a second before wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I hold back a sigh as he pulls me against him. I hug him around the waist, burying my face in his shirt. I can’t remember the last time I actually touched him. Not since he left for college, maybe?. However long it’s been, this is exactly what I need right now. He’s so warm, and he doesn’t say anything as he pets my hair. He just holds me, thick arms shielding me from the rest of the world.

Finally, I get my shit together, letting him go and swiping at my cheeks. “I’m so embarrassed,” I laugh at myself, looking up into his gray eyes. Jonas shakes his head, mouth pulling sideways.

“Don’t be. That guy sucks.” He holds the passenger door open for me and I climb in. He drives me home in silence, glowering at the road. I fiddle with the cheesy gold wrist cuffs of my costume, feeling terrible. I probably ruined his Halloween. I’m sure the last thing he wanted to do tonight was pick up his best friend’s weepy little sister.

He pulls into my driveway and I start to get out, but I feel a soft brush against my wrist, just below the edge of the scratchy bracelet. Glancing down, I see Jonas’ fingers on my skin. He strokes the back of my hand, sending a shiver of excitement up my spine.

“He doesn’t deserve you, Kenna.”

He stares at me for a long second. His eyes look sad and far too old to belong to him. Jonas shifts toward me, just an inch. Just enough to give his intentions away. He hesitates, but before he can change his mind, I close the distance, pressing my lips to his in an impulsive kiss. It’s just a little kiss to thank him for rescuing me. At least that’s what I tell myself.

But when I pull back and look into his eyes again, I know it’s not just that. Not for either of us. He cups my face in both hands, leaning close. His lips brush over mine, so gently I can barely feel them. Tingles erupt all over my skin. My heart is racing as I encourage him to deepen the kiss. His lips part, warm breath feathering over my skin. I let him in, moaning softly when his tongue teases my lower lip. He whispers my name and it’s reverent, adoring.

A car door slams somewhere in the distance, and I jump, pulling away. A glaring light cuts through the windshield, and I’m guessing we tripped the motion sensitive flood light over my garage.

When I glance back at Jonas, his face is stony and I can tell the moment is broken. “I’m sorry,” I mutter. “I should go.” I turn to get out of the car, but he presses something into my hand. I look down at Dean’s phone laying in my palm. Right. My brother. His best friend. Boy, do I feel like an asshole.

I don’t meet Jonas’ eyes as I exit the car. “Thanks for the ride,” I whisper before heading inside just as fast as my stupid gold boots will carry me.
