Page 15 of Sinful Curves

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“Does that mean I’ve convinced you already?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at my phone where the countdown is ticking away.

Yes.“No. I’m not that easy.” I am, but that doesn’t mean I’m ready to give in. This is way too much fun to stop now.

“Good.” Branson leans back in his chair, resting a forearm on the armrest like a cocky prince. “Your turn.”

“Hm… Okay. What’s your biggest secret?”

He eyes me thoughtfully, a frown creasing his brow as he runs a thumb over his lower lip. “How do you feel about nudity?”

“Excuse me? Are you feeling the need to take off your clothes? Far be it from me to stop you, but that’s not an answer,” I reply, raising an eyebrow.

Branson smiles so broadly I can see his shiny white molars. “Not mine and not yours. Not that I’d complain…” His eyes sweep over me, dark and hungry. Little flickers of heat lick at my skin. “But if you really want to know my biggest secret, it’s a far cry from Sunday school.”

“Do I look like a Sunday school kind of girl to you?” I ask, raising an eyebrow at him.

“Mmm… no.” He eyes me like a hungry tiger stalking his prey, and now it’s my turn to shift in my seat, trying to ignore the heat between my legs.

“As long as you’re not trying to take me back to your bachelor pad to watch homemade porn on your futon, I’m fine,” I say.

He shakes his head and winces. “Please tell me that’s a hypothetical situation.”

I shake mine right back. “Nope. True story.”

He grimaces. “I promise that’s not what I had in mind. You wanted to know how I met the chef. That’s part of it. If you promise not to run away screaming, I’ll show you, but I just have to warn you, you’re going to see a lot of skin.”

Branson stands and offers me a hand. “If that’s a little too adventurous, we can always go do something else. Either way, I’m going to make the most of the next 23 hours with you.”

Well shit. I’ve never been good at backing down from a challenge.



Alex eyes my outstretched hand thoughtfully for a long moment. She glances up, nibbling on that full lip of hers in a way that makes me ache to taste her. Her eyebrow arches in an unspoken challenge, then she tosses her napkin on the table, placing her hand in mine as she stands. My pulse races as her fingers warm my palm.

“Alright, show me.”

I’ve never prayed so hard for someone to back down in my entire life, but of course she doesn’t. There are a lot of reasons I like Alex, and her stubborn streak is a big one. It’s just really inconvenient right now.You promised her, dumb ass,I remind myself.No lies, no omissions.I’d never go back on my word, but this has plan has serious blow-up-in-my-face potential.

Sex club on a first date… worst idea ever. Then again, maybe it’s best to just get this over with. Rip it off like a Band-Aid. For better or worse, my lifestyle is a part of me. A very closely guarded part of me. It’s not something I particularly want to give up, and I certainly can’t erase my past.

Maybe she’ll surprise you, a voice in my head whispers. Alex didn’t balk when I quizzed her about handcuffs. Hell, she lamented having to choose between them and a blindfold. Maybe this won’t be too shocking…

“I wish you’d just tell me. I’m not great at being patient.” Alex grins at me, eyes bright with excitement as she presses the button to recall the elevator. She bounces on the balls of her feet. “Are you secretly a member of a champion bowling team?”

“Definitely not,” I laugh, some of my anxiety melting away as I watch her try to puzzle out my secret. The elevator dings, opening up for us.

“Ladies first,” I say, gesturing for her to step in ahead of me

“You’re just trying to stare at my ass,” she accuses with a cheeky smile as I join her.

“Maybe,” I murmur, placing my hand on her hip and pressing her back against the wall of the elevator. Her eyes go wide, but she doesn’t pull away. I slip my fingers into the soft strands of her hair, cupping the back of her neck as I lower my face to hers. Maybe I’m pushing my luck, but if this is my only chance to taste her, I won’t miss it.

I brush my lips over hers, waiting for her to say no or push me back, but she lifts her chin, kissing me back. My heart batters my rib cage, triumphant as I pull that pouty little lip between mine.

Alex lets out a breathy moan that goes straight to my dick. I squeeze the soft curve of her hip, holding her body against mine. I nip her lip, and she inhales sharply, her breasts molding to my chest as our breaths mix.

All I want in this whole damn world is to take her home and bury myself in her sweet heat, but I’ve intentionally cock-blocked myself. Noble Branson is an asshole.
