Page 18 of Sinful Curves

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“The point is, I’m not delusional. I see you, and I like the way you look. If I wanted to date a woman who looked like a tiny little fairy, I would have. I wantyou. I love that you’re stubborn. I love that you’re perfectly fine telling me to fuck off. And Ireallylove your curves.”

I swallow. Oh jeez.

“Now look at the rest of me. I have a foot and a half on you. I was a starting linebacker in college, and I can still bench 300 pounds. Do you really think I’m incapable of picking you up or that it would change how I feel about you? Do you think so little of me?”

“No,” I whisper. Jesus. My heart is racing. When he puts it like that, I feel like a bit of an asshole. And does he have to be so fucking charming and persuasive? It’s really hard to resist a man that talks to me like that.

“Good,” Branson grins. “Then let me carry you back over, because I’m pretty sure we got lucky and found something really cool.”

“Fine.” I can’t help smiling back. “But can you give me a piggyback instead?”

He smirks down at me. “And have those sexy legs wrapped around me? Hell yes, I can.”



Alex willingly hops on my back, her legs wrapping around my waist. The hem of her dress rides up so my hands are on the soft skin of her bare thighs. Her arms wrap around my collarbone, warming my skin. She laughs as I hitch her up higher with ease.

“I’m not usually one to say I told you so…” I say, giving her thigh a little squeeze.

Alex kisses my cheek. “I’m sorry I snapped at you.”

“It’s all good. You can make it up to me later.”

“Are you being dirty again?” She laughs disbelievingly.

“Absolutely.” I turn my head so she can see me wink.

“Flirt,” she accuses as I walk back toward the small crowd.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing, but I really only flirt with you.”

“In that case, I guess I’m honored. What is this?” She points at the people filling the sidewalk. As we get closer, I spot a pair of beat-up wooden doors blocking the end of an alleyway. Behind it I can see strings of lights, still dark. And, confirming my suspicions, what looks to be a small stage.

“Hidden concert,” I grin over my shoulder at her.

“Won’t we need tickets?”

“Probably,” I mutter, scanning the crowd.

“Oh, there!” Alex pats my chest and points at a man standing near the curb with several tickets in his hand.

I head in his direction and dig my wallet out of my back pocket. My hand grazes the lower curve of Alex’s ass in the process. She starts, her spine stiffening.

“Careful there, sailor!” she laughs.

“Sorry,” I say with a wince. “I usually save the subtle ass grabbing for the second date.”

“Maybe I liked it,” she whispers in my ear.

Her hair tickles my neck, and I catch the scent of her shampoo. My brain goes fuzzy, and I groan. “You’re going to give me another inappropriate boner,” I whisper back. “And you’ll have to explain to this poor scalper why I’m pitching a tent in his direction.”

She laughs against my neck, and it’s just about the sexiest sound I’ve ever heard. The scalper sees us coming and lifts his chin. “You need tickets?”

“Yeah, how much?” I ask, clearing my throat as Alex snickers.

“Fifty each.”
