Page 26 of Sinful Curves

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With a low growl, I cup her jaw with one hand, tightening my grip on her hair with the other. Holding her face, I set my own rhythm.

“Your mouth feels so fucking good,” I mutter. “That’s it, take that cock. You just had to mouth off, didn’t you?” The muscles of her throat constrict around me and she moans, eyes hooded with lust. Clearly, this isn’t much of a punishment; the more I give Alex, the more enthusiastic she gets.

“You like having your face fucked, don’t you?” I growl. She hums, swallowing me so deep I almost lose control. “Does it make that tight little pussy wet?” Alex visibly shivers, and she looks up at me, eyes heavy with lust. I pull out of her mouth with a pop. If I let her go one more second, I’m going to be spurting down her throat. There’s time for that later, but I need more. I need all of her.

I bend down to look her in the eye, my fingers still tangled in her hair. “Next time you smart off, I’ll put you over my lap and spank your ass until it’s red.” Rather than looking abashed, a flash of excitement flares in her eyes. Of course, it does. “You could pretend to look ashamed of yourself,” I mutter. Alex just gives me a cheeky shrug.

I lift her to her feet and grip the back of her neck. Alex leans into me, neck tilted back. She’s so fucking beautiful, I can’t help stroking her hair. I caress her cheek, cupping her face in my palm. She leans into my touch and something passes between our eyes. Something that grips my soul and makes my heart charge headlong into uncharted territory.

“Can we get out of here?” I ask, searching her eyes. Alex gives me a questioning look, a little wrinkle forming between her brows. I lean down so she can hear every word over the thumping music. “Later, I want to spank your luscious ass. I want to tie you up and make you come so hard you beg me to stop. I want to do unspeakably dirty things with you. But right now? Right this very second? I want you all to myself. I want to take my time with you, and I want to do it somewhere quiet so I can hear every moan out of those pouty lips.”

Alex turns her face, nuzzling warm lips against my neck and I swear to God, the tiniest things this woman does could bring me to my knees. “Bring the handcuffs and you’ve got a deal.”

I reach around her, unbuckling the leather cuffs securing her wrists. She fixes the top of her dress, smirking as she tucks her tits back into her bra.

“You’re pouting,” she teases, tugging the hem of her dress back into place.

“I’m not pouting,” I counter. “I’m frowning and thinking better of any plan that makes those go away.” I take her hand in mine, moving toward the exit.

“Wait, my shoes!” she laughs, pulling back on me. She slips them on, and we make a beeline for the door. As soon as we’re back in the entryway, I rip my mask off and toss it at Nick. He catches it easily.

“That was quick,” he comments wryly. Alex slips her mask off her face and hands it to him.

“I need a favor,” I tell him. “Can I borrow one of your cars for the night?” I know for a fact that he has at least two parked in the lot outside. Possibly a third. One perk of owning the club, I guess.

“Is it going to need professional cleaning when you’re done with it?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.

Alex laughs as I shake my head. “No. Scout’s honor.”



Just when I think I have a handle on this man, he surprises me all over again. I had him so close to coming in my mouth that he was shaking. He was about to go off like Vesuvius, and I wasn’t far behind. But the look in his eyes when he pulled me off of him was nothing short of soul-deep need.

I watch him as we drive away from the club. The streets are dark and empty, but there’s enough light from the dash to catch his profile. He catches me staring and offers me a heart-stopping smile. We’ve been hurtling through this date at break-neck speed, and for the first time tonight, I have a second to really stop and appreciate him.

I’ve never enjoyed being with someone so much in my whole life. It’s a little annoying, really. He’s been at his office, just a couple blocks away, all along. This gorgeous, funny, intoxicating man. I’m a big enough person to admit when I’m wrong, and I was dead wrong. He’s nothing like I expected and, more importantly, he’s everything I’ve ever wanted. I just didn’t realize it.

I reach out, stroking over the swirling tattoo on his forearm. “Why this one?” I ask. “The moment is coming.” I repeat the meaning of his Doctor Who tattoo.

Branson smiles, keeping his eyes on the road. “Persistence.”

I frown, not sure how the two tie together. He glances over at me and places his hand on my thigh. “I needed a reminder that persistence is worth the effort. That the moment when it’s all worth it is coming.”

He squeezes my thigh, his pointer finger tapping my flowers. “What about this one? I feel like you wouldn’t have a tattoo just because it’s pretty.”

“You would be correct,” I laugh. “It was the first thing I did when I turned 18. The night before my birthday, my mother made me attend this debutant ball. It was absolute torture. I woke up the next morning and took my perfect little bouquet of white flowers to the closest tattoo studio. This artist, she shredded the roses, pulled apart the peonies, and used the carnage as inspiration.”

“Your emancipation?” he asks.

“Kind of,” I nod. “For the first time in my life, I had control over my own body. I could do what I wanted, go where I wanted, say what I wanted, and there was nothing she could do to change that.”

“I bet it helped that a huge tattoo would really get under her skin,” he says with a grin.

“Yes, it did.” I return the smile, loving the way his fingers trace the outlines of the petals.

We pull into a marina, pausing at a security booth. The guard spots Branson’s face behind the wheel and waves us in. “Are we sleeping in the car?” I tease as he parks near the water. I’m not overly excited about the idea. Car sex is never as much fun as people think it will be, and I’m still so turned on that I can barely sit still. Delayed gratification at its most torturous. He shakes his head. “You’ll see.”
