Page 13 of Beck and Call

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“No,” she whispers. Soft flashes from the streetlights illuminate her skin. Golden light highlights her collarbone and the swell of her breasts, rising against the neckline of her dress. Her hair is a mess, tousled and sexy. Her lips are swollen, and every time she licks them, she steals a little piece of my soul.

“Good,” I whisper back, tangling my fingers in her hair and pulling her mouth back to mine.



Matt gazes up at me, perceptive eyes soaking up every inch of me. There’s something about the way he looks at me. It makes me feel like he’s reading every thought, every emotion swirling inside of me. It makes me feel laid bare, and for the first time in a long time, that doesn’t scare the shit out of me. I’m excited. So excited I’m trembling in his lap.

He’s so solid underneath me, his broad thighs thick between my own. The hand he pulled away a second ago caresses my cheek. His touch sends an aching current of heat curling through my body. It twists and winds, invading my senses until all I want is him. His hands on my body, his lips on my skin.

Matt’s fingers trail down the column of my throat, the ridges on each fingertip lighting up nerves that fan out over my skin. I feel like a lightning rod to his storm. He holds my gaze, those fingers finding the top of my dress and stealing underneath. He brushes over the tip of my nipple and the already sensitive peaks tighten.

I moan. I can’t help it. His eyes hold me captive in a moment so intimate, so intensely personal, that I can’t remember what the rest of the world even looks like. Nothing exists except him and the way he makes me feel.

I press a kiss to his lips, and when his eyes drift shut, and he kisses me back, I’m struck by how sexy this man is. Handsome and confident; cocky maybe, but so fucking sexy.

And kind.

That’s where the real danger lies. I can withstand sexy, but if he keeps this up, I’m a goner. Olive always says I’m a sucker for a big heart, and that one day it’ll bite me in the ass.Please don’t let this be the day.

I close my eyes, shoving those worries as far down as I can. I don’t want to think about that right now. Not when I can let go. Not when he’s making me feelthis good. His warm hand steals under my skirt, palming and kneading my ass. His other hand tugs at the neckline of my dress, but the straps don’t have any give. Reaching back, I unzip it. His fingers slide the straps down my shoulders, and goose bumps erupt over my skin. They slide lovingly over the swells over my breast, pushing my dress down to my waist.

I lean back in his lap, shrugging my shoulders free of the dress and wishing I’d worn something less… basic. But Matt doesn’t seem to mind. He watches me, his expression almost reverent if not for the hungry fire in his eyes.

“You are so fucking sexy,” he growls, pulling me close and peppering soft kisses down my neck. He nips at me, and I arch against him, the sensation skittering through my body before diffusing into a white hot heat that settles between my legs. I tangle my fingers in his hair, my pulse racing.

His mouth is all over my skin, his arms surrounding me. Our bodies move together so naturally. His length strains the front of his pants, and I grind against him, recklessly ignoring the part of me that’s telling me to slow down. I don’t want to slow down. I want more. Fuck it. I want ALL of him.

Virginity. Extended celibacy. Whatever you want to call it, I’m officially over it. Especially when he grabs my ass, moving my hips against him harder and harder. The ridges of his jeans rasp against my panties, and I’m trying not to think about how wet I am or the probability that I’m going to leave a spot on his pants.

But Matt doesn’t seem worried about that at all. He cups my breast over my bra, pinching my nipple through the thin material, sending a shock of pleasure zipping through me.

I let out a moan. It’s not a cute moan. It’s not a lady-like moan. The sound builds in my lower belly, and what comes out of my mouth is an unfamiliar, animalistic cry of raw pleasure. I slap a hand over my mouth, but Matt grabs my wrist, carefully prying it from my face with a wry smile. “I love that sound. Iearnedthat sound.”

He watches me through hooded eyes and pinches my nipple again, squeezing and rolling it between his fingers. “I want to hear every sound that passes through those pretty lips.” I’m shaking in his lap, heady need overtaking my senses. Flames lick at my insides until I feel like I could boil over at the slightest nudge.

Matt’s hand slides up my thigh, like he’s testing the waters, expecting me to stop him. Fat fucking chance. I need more of his touch like I need the air in my lungs. Fingertips stroke my inner thigh and graze the edges of my panties. This is as far as I’ve ever gone with a man. Not because I wasn’t interested in sex, but because normally I’d get here and boys just want to jam their hands down my pants. It’s such a turn off that I’d make an excuse and leave, never getting farther than a little heavy petting.

But holy hell. The pad of Matt’s thumb grazes over my clit, still shrouded by my soaking wet panties. I feel heat stain my cheeks. There’s no way he can’t feel that. “Sorry,” I whisper, pulling back and trying to close my legs, but his hips are in the way.

Matt frowns at me, looking baffled. “Why are you sorry?”

“Uh...” I lick my lips, trying to word this delicately. “It’s just—” His thumb rasps over my clit again, tracing a small circle over the fabric. My eyes roll back in my head and it’s hard to sit up straight.

“Sorry for what?” Matt repeats. “I know you’re not apologizing for this…” His thumb dips under the edge of the fabric, teasing at my slit. I gasp at the sensation, trying not to squirm. He brings his hand back up between us, glistening with my juices, and I watch, mouth agape, as he puts it between his lips.

He sucks it clean with a low rumble of enjoyment. “See, I know you’re not apologizing for that, because I’ve never tasted anything so sweet.”

My head swims. I’m drunk on this man. The way he talks, the way he looks at me, and good god, the way he touches me. “Really?” I ask, panting as my lungs work so hard just to get a little oxygen to my brain.

The corner of Matt’s mouth lifts in a lopsided smile, and just as fast as he pulled me on top of him, he sets me back in my seat. “Really,” he says definitively.

“What are you…” I trail off as he sinks to the floor of the limo, kneeling in front of me. His palms slide over my knees. He hooks his hands under them and pulls me to the edge of the seat, spreading my thighs. He leans forward, eyes on mine as he kisses the inside of one knee. The way he touches me is both fascinating and overwhelming.

He pushes my dress up my legs until it’s bunched at my waist. I’m trembling, my body flooded with endorphins. Is he really going to go down on me in a limo? A moving one, no less. He can’t possibly, I think, but then he nips the inside of my thigh. I let out a breathy gasp as the sting turns to a tingling pleasure that spreads over my skin.

I squirm, anxious and excited. I’ve never, and I mean, never been this intimate with someone. It just never felt right. But this feels right. Matt’s warm breath feathers over my thighs as he inches closer to my sex. He nuzzles his nose against my panties, breathing me in.Smelling me. His fingers flex against my skin, pulling me closer. He almost pulls me off the edge of the seat, all so he can bury his face in my pussy.
