Page 17 of Rattler & Beast

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“You’re going to sit still and come for me.” I’ve never heard those words uttered out loud, much less as a threat, but Rattler sure pulls it off. Especially when he pulls my Hitachi wand out of the bag. That’s my fail-safe vibrator. I never, ever reach for it first, but if I’m struggling to finish and in a hurry, it’s a sure bet.

“Can you hold her there?” Rattler asks Beast, one eyebrow cocked. Beast chuckles, biting my neck.

“I think I can manage.” Beast’s arms wrap over my shoulders, his warmth seeping through my skin. He places his forearms inside of my thighs, spreading my legs wide and wedging his palms against the outside of his thighs. He does it so quickly that I don’t really have time to react before he’s effectively locked me in place, helpless and on display for Rattler. I try to squirm, but I think I’d have more success going hand-to-paw with a grizzly bear. My arms have extremely limited mobility and my legs have none.

Rattler doesn’t waste time. He grabs my chin, keeping my eyes up on him. There’s a soft click, and the wand roars to life. I swear, I can feel it on my clit before it’s even made contact, but maybe that’s just the palpable intensity in Rattler’s gaze. He grazes the wand over my sex, and my hips give an involuntary jerk.

Beast growls, and I wonder if this is going to torture him almost as much as me. Rattler presses the wand between my legs with feather-light pressure, but it’s more than enough to make me clench around Beast. I moan, so full of him I couldn’t take more if I tried. He keeps me in place, impaled on his cock. Pleasure burns hot and fast through my bloodstream, obliterating anything rational.

The swell crests and subsides, and Rattler pulls the wand away. My body doesn’t have any muscle control left. I melt in Beast’s hold, my head falling back on his shoulder. “Jesus Christ,” I murmur.

Rattler rubs the head of the silent wand over my throbbing clit, gently massaging. Without warning, it clicks on again. I scream, my nerve endings already overloaded, but Rattler doesn’t stop. “Again, Cherry.” His gruff voice penetrates the haze in my brain. “I wanna see you drip all over his dick. Is it deep, baby? Are you stuffed full of his cock?” I think I nod, but it’s more of a full body spasm because Rattler cranks up the intensity on the wand.

I shriek, but he keeps going, growling filthy promises and forcing me higher. “I’m next, Cherry. I’m going to fuck your juicy pussy. Rub that cunt all over my dick until it smells like you. Tastes like you. I’m going to paint your body with my cum.” Fingernails drag over my skin, under my breasts and over my belly. “No man will dare touch you, Elle. You belong with us. Only us.”

It’s not a wave. Not this time. Pleasure hits me like a fucking tornado of uncontrollable fury, and the only thing that keeps me anchored is the feel of Beast’s arms around me and Rattler’s voice claiming me as his.Theirs.

My head clears slowly, like coming out of a dream but in reverse, because instead of waking up alone in bed, I’m being passed into Rattler’s arms, my body blissfully weightless as they move me between them. A hand runs up my back and trails back down my spine, bringing a cascade of goosebumps with it.

Rattler lifts my chin and kisses the ever-loving fuck out of me. His tongue sweeps over mine, coaxing at first, but growing wilder by the second. My heart races, tripping along behind my ribs in an erratic mess. The couch dips beside me, Beast’s weight settling close by.

I let out a moan as he plays with the end of the anal beads, teasing and tugging until I can’t help squirming against Rattler. The calm I felt just a moment ago, that floaty bliss, evaporates, replaced with a ravenous need. Rattler’s hands tangle in my hair as he breathes my name.

I grind against him, my pussy so soaked and slippery that his cock glides between my folds. It only takes a tilt of my hips to line him up where I need him. My head falls back on a moan as Rattler pulls me down on his hard length. He grips my hips, fingers digging into my flesh as he rocks me against him.

Beast works the toy out of my ass, making my breath hitch with each bead. Rattler pulls me sideways on the couch, laying back and pulling me down on top of him. I glance over my shoulder to where Beast is kneeling with fire in his eyes. He holds my gaze, rubbing coconut oil over his length. He winks at me, rubbing the excess over my ass.

I bite my lip, anticipation swirling through me. He leans over my back, one enormous hand around my throat, the other at the base of my spine. I twist, arching my back so he can claim my mouth. He plunges inside, tongue flicking at mine and swallowing my cry as the broad head of his cock struggles against the tight ring of muscle, invading and stretching.

I breathe against the pain, burying my face in the crook of Rattler’s neck until it subsides, leaving only mind-numbing fullness behind. “That’s so good, baby.” His voice is a deep purr, soothing me as Beast moves carefully, working deeper and deeper until I don’t think I can take another inch. I’m so full of them.

I reach back, grabbing his hip while I try to catch my breath, but he twists it, holding my wrist at the base of my spine.

“I can’t!” I cry out.

But Beast squeezes my throat, growling low in my ear. “Are we hurting you?”

“N-No—” I gasp. “But—”

“Then you can,” he grunts. “And you will, Elle. You’ll take both of our cocks and you’re going to love it.” He thrusts the last inch inside me, his hips slapping my ass and driving me down harder on Rattler.

“Oh, God…” I let out a groan, overwhelmed by the sensation.

“Do you know why you’ll love it, sweetheart?” He asks, stroking my hair to one side so he can kiss my neck. I can’t speak, but he goes on anyway, peppering kisses down my back, hips retreating and thrusting again. I feel every move he makes echoed in my pussy as he drives me against Rattler. His hand slips around my hip, determined. A single finger rubs gentle circles around my clit, and I let loose a guttural moan, because fuck, does that feel good.

“No one will ever work harder to take care of you, Elle. I promise you, no one will ever want you as desperately as we do.” Beast moves faster, his breathing ragged.

Rattler holds me tight, his touch full of violent reverence as he powers up into me. My breathing stutters as the first flutters twist in my stomach. The unrelenting pleasure builds until I’m shaking, my entire body threatening to explode, desperate for release. Rattler’s voice filters through the fog of need. “Come for us, Elle.”

I come apart. Little pieces of my heart and soul exploding out of me, swirling like a nebula before coalescing; putting me back together exactly as I was and, somehow, completely different.

* * *

Someone is pounding on the door, and it sounds an awful lot like they’re using their fist. I sit up, but two big hands pull me back down into the warm nest of blankets and bodies. Rattler rests a possessive palm on my stomach and Beast lays a heavy arm across my chest, his hand squeezing my breast.

“Someone is at the door.” I laugh sleepily. It’s only 5 p.m., but the sky outside is oddly dark. A little ball of worry sits in the pit of my stomach. It’s nothing specific, just a feeling.
