Page 8 of Rattler & Beast

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I set my pissed off kitten on her feet. Bane, our rottweiler, trots over, leaning against her thighs affectionately. “Some guard dog you are,” I tell him.

Cherry glares up at me, but far from having its intended effect; that expression just makes my dick throb. There are a lot of smart ass comments I could make right now, but I don’t think any of them would help her case or endear her to me. I bite my tongue, but I can’t help the smirk that tugs at my lips.

Reaper, Ace, and Beast glower in our direction. I spin Cherry around and tug her hood down, revealing to the others exactly who was creeping around outside. I’m hit with another wave of that crisp apple scent and it makes my mouth water. I pat her down, ostensibly looking for a weapon or wires, but it’s possible I let my fingers roam over her denim clad curves just a little too long.

“Oh, sure. Just take your time down there,” she growls, glancing down at me with disdain in those emerald eyes.Don’t mind if I do,I think, sliding my hands up the inside of her thighs.I could stay down here all night.The only thing I find is a gnarly looking butterfly knife tucked into her jacket. It’s well worn, so either she’s proficient with it, or she got it from someone else. Either way, I tuck it into my pocket.

Steering Elle toward the sofa, I give her shoulders a little push, making her sit. She doesn’t fight me, but she wraps her arms around her ribs, huffing.

Reaper’s brows knit together and he stares daggers at Cherry. “Talk.” Something rumbles deep inside my chest. I don’t like the way he’s looking at her. Not at all.

“I told this asshat I didn’t want to start trouble. I just wanted to know… you didn’t tell me…” For the first time since she walked into the Pour House tonight, I see a crack in her hard ass veneer. “I can’t go back on Monday morning and look Brandon in the eye if I haven’t donesomething.”



There are alotof angry eyes staring in my direction. Well, maybe not all of them are angry. Rattler has an eyebrow raised and looks like this is all a bit of a joke. Beast isn’t scowling at me, but he’s not amused either. And when we make eye contact, I hear his gravelly words in my head all over again.Don’t test me again.A shiver runs up my spine, but it’s not a prickle of fear. Oh, no. That is most certainly not fear.

Reaper frowns, his expression unreadable beyond ‘basic grumpy biker’, but then he speaks. “Clearly, you can’t be trusted—”

“That isn’t—” I try to defend myself, but he isn’t having any of it.

“Shut up,” he growls, his expression pure ice. I press my lips together, irritated, but knowing better than to push him farther. “You can’t be trusted out on the streets. If we agree to take care of this for you, how do we know you aren’t setting us up?” I open my mouth, but he plows ahead. “We need a few days to put things in place. Until it’s done, and we know you can’t stab us in the back, you stay here.”



“Here?” It’s a chorus of disbelief as Rattler, Beast, and I speak simultaneously. I mean, I can lock down if I have to… but locked in with both of them?He gets off playing kitty in the middle.Oof. I can’t listen to that. “So, what?” I ask, hugging my arms around my middle as hard as I can. “You’re going to chain me up in the basement so I can listen to these two run trains on candy? Sounds fun.”

I add the last bit with as sarcasm as I can muster. My stomach clenches at the thought, making me so nauseous that I might as well be riding the whirly gig at the county fair. A low, and rather grumpy, rumble comes from Beast and it takes me a second to realize it’s directed at me. His eyes, deep as wells, are focused on my own. The intensity of his stare makes me squirm. I’m just uncomfortable being watched. At least that’s what I tell myself.

“No. No one else comes or goes. The five of us are the only ones who know about this, and we’re going to keep it that way.” His tone practically dares one of us to disagree with him. “Beast. Rattler. One of you has eyes on her at all times. She getszerocontact with anyone else until this is done.”

“But… but…” I sputter, my focus bouncing between Reaper, Beast, and Rattler. “I have a job. I have students! I can’t exactly not show up on Monday morning. If you keep me here, someone will report me missing, and then you’ll have Haven PD up your ass.” It’s a weak threat, and I’m sure he knows it.

“You can call out sick.” Reaper glances at Beast and adds, “with supervision.” Then, with his hard eyes locked squarely on me, he issues the ultimatum. “Other than that, no phones. No computers. I better not see so much as a fucking smoke signal. Is that clear, Cherry?”

“Elle,” I correct him. “And yes, that’s clear, but it’s not just work. I have standing plans with Willow. She’s a talker, and if I bail on her with no explanation—”

“Fine,” Reaper interrupts me.Rude. “Give Beast your phone. The watch and purse too. He’ll supervise your outgoing and ingoing texts.”

“This is excessive,” I grumble, handing Beast my purse. “Phone’s in there.” I unsnap my smartwatch and slap that into his boat-sized palm too. “You gonna confiscate my diary next, Daddy?”

Beast doesnotseem amused by my antics. He’s frowning deeper than ever, his eyes stormy. Judging from that angry tick in his jaw, he’s not happy about pulling babysitting duty.Not like it’s my choice, Bucko.

Reaper’s expression hardens, almost to the point of being frightening. “Don’t make me regret helping you, Cherry. If you burn us on this, I will personally make sure you pay.” With that, he heads for the door, disappearing into the black night with Ace. Jesus, talk about parting words.

My eyes stay fixated on the place where they vanished, my mind reeling. I don’t have long to get my thoughts organized, though. Rattler and Beast come to stand in front of me, arms crossed as they stare me down. Their dog, the ferocious rottweiler, wiggles excitedly between them, all smiles.

“Alright, take me to the dungeon, boys. Just remember, I prefer my manacles on the loose side and I expect a mint on my cot with turndown service,” I joke, trying to break the tension in the room. Rattler smirks, but Beast still looks stormy as fuck. “Fabulous…” I sigh, getting to my feet. “You going to let me walk this time?” I ask Rattler.

His eyes roam my body, and for a split-second, I swear I can feel his hands on me all over again. My skin heats and my heart thumps wildly. Son of a bitch… that’s not ideal.

“Depends. You going to be a good girl?”

“Not likely,” I scoff. He starts toward me, but stops when I hold out my hand. “Hold on, I didn’t say I wouldn’t try.”
