Page 57 of Cocky

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Her expression warmed twenty degrees, pink hitting her cheeks hard as if she’d been slapped—with the truth, maybe. It was clear she didn’t know just how important she’d become to him, but Moose was likening being with her as critical as breathing. He’d just have to make sure she knew that going forward.

“So are you gonna put it on or what?”

“Naked?” she protested. “Not a chance. But I will definitely wear it when you take me out for dinner tonight.”

Moose frowned. “Say what now?”

The jacket forgotten, Angel shifted around to face him, pushing the sheets away so they wouldn’t get tangled up around their legs, and, with her hands on his shoulders, she pushed him back into the mattress. Moose felt her hot, wet pussy against his shaft, and immediately went rock hard.

“You can’t propose to a girl and expect not to feed her,” she told him, amusement and…lust flashing in her amazing eyes.

Moose let his hands glide up her sides and his gaze drift to her pendulous breasts hanging over him. Unable to resist, he arched up to catch a nipple between his lips and sucked. She gasped, one hand moving to the back of his head to hold him there, and with another perfectly timed movement, his cock slid inside her tight sheath.

She moved against him, painfully slow, just enough for both of them to feel his cockhead touch her inner walls and for them to clamp down tight like a fist to hug him.

“I’ll feed you, Mouse,” he promised. “All the cum you can handle.”

“I was thinking more like steak,” she teased. Kind of.

“I’ll feed you that after. To keep up your strength. ‘Cuz you’re gonna need it.” He pushed his hips up and hers down, slamming into her so hard, they both shouted a little. Okay, a lot. Damn, she felt fantastic. “So are you gonna be mine or what?”

Rising up, she waited until his cock was almost out of her before dropping back down. Best. Feeling. Ever. “Silly man,” she said on a breathless moan. He grabbed her tits and squeezed, and she grabbed his wrists, using them as leverage to quicken her pace as she rode him hard. “I’ve been yours since the night you took me home.”

She had? Moose considered this, rewinding time in his mind to see if he could pinpoint the exact moment he saw this happen and was just too stupid to realize it. But no, he couldn’t see it. She’d played the aloof part well. But damn, if that was true, he’d just fallen even more in love with her.

“Come fly with me,” he requested abruptly.

She paused to look down at him. “What? Where?”

“Anywhere. Let’s travel. We can go to Rome. Italy. Greece. I’ve always wanted to visit the Coliseum. Or wherever you want to go. I don’t care, as long as we do it together. I don’t want you out of my sight ever again.”

She laughed. “That’s impossible. But yes, I would love to travel with you.”

“Good. I’ll book us a flight. And when we get back, we’ll tackle the rest.”

“The rest of what?” She started rocking against him again, slowly but surely, keeping him hard. As he spoke, she bent her head and sucked one of the fingers he had clamped around her breast. Holy shit, he was going to come if she kept that up.

“Life, Mouse. Marriage, a house, babies. I want it all. With you. What do you say?”

A smile split across her face, and she leaned down to kiss him. It was a long, deep kiss filled with what he thought was love, and when she broke it, she brought her lips to his ear and whispered, “Yes.”

A bolt of lightning shot up Moose’s spine and, wrapping her up tight in his arms, he spilled his seed inside of her, filling her pussy like she filled his heart, because why wait when they could get started on the rest of their life together right now?


There came a time in a man’s life when he had to take the road less traveled. Blake Mahone, president of the Spartan Riders, put up two middle fingers at that. He wasn’t a pussy, and neither were his men. Come to think of it, neither was his wife.

They were all a bunch of proven ball busters who stood up to any challenge that stepped to them, and they stood tall and stared it right in the eyes, daring it to make the first move.

Many times, it could have gotten them all killed. Shit, there were a few moments it almost had. But their efforts, their bravery, finally paid off. Peace at last, peace at last! At least, Blake prayed that was the case. For the first time, he was feeling hopeful that this was the end of the drama. The seemingly never ending piles of shit that kept showing up at his doorstep. He was so over it.

While he didn’t like the man one bit, Blake had to admit to himself that he was grateful the son of a bitch, Manuel Contreras, had turned state’s evidence. That meant he got off with a slap on the wrist, bullshit warning instead of the life sentence he deserved, but considering the exponential benefits that would pay off in spades from that single act alone, who could really complain?

He was aware that the time might come around again to deal with the guy, when they might have to take him off the streets permanently, assuming the FEDs didn’t beat them to the punch, but that was down the road a ways, and Blake was eager to get back to a normal life and enjoy his kids and his wife. It felt like centuries had passed without something fucked-up happening. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d gone to bed worry free.

Peeking into the nursery, Blake watched his babies sleep for a moment, listening to the soft whisper of breath pass through their lips, monitoring the gentle rise and fall of their chests, before he was satisfied that everything was okay and they didn’t need him anymore tonight.

Then he made his way a few feet farther down the hall, stopping in front of the door he’d frequented more than any other, and twisted the handle.
