Page 19 of Santa Baby

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As the newly ordained hospital chaplain performs the ceremony, I can’t prevent the smile that pulls at my lips. My heart feels as if it might explode from sheer happiness.

The moment the chaplain announces us husband and wife, the room erupts into cheers, and the music changes to something livelier.

With my arms around his neck, I tell Kyle, “This is the best Christmas ever.”

“Nothing will ever top it,” he agrees, then leans down and presses his lips to mine.

Almost instantly, a chorus of child voices issue their protests, and we smile. With his forehead pressed against mine, Kyle closes his eyes, draws in a deep breath, and says, “Save that thought for later.”

“Yes,” I say softly, a plan already forming in my mind to climb into Santa’s lap and tell him what I want most for Christmas. “Until then, we have some presents to dish out.”

“Then let’s get to it, Mrs. Claus.”

I join Kyle, sitting beside him in the metal folding chairs beside the tree, Bianca handing me presents while Travis wrangles the children and brings them up to sit on Santa’s lap, and I allow the warmth of love and friendship wrap itself around me like a thick, wool blanket.

There’s isn’t a single thing I can think of that could make this night any better...

“Hey, this one has my name on it.”

I turn to look up at Bianca, who is holding a neatly wrapped, silver package nestled in her palm. “That’s strange. Why don’t you open it,” I suggest.

She looks at me funny, hesitating, but curiosity eventually gets the best of her. As she pulls the sparkly ribbon free, my heart thuds and a smile tugs at my lips. Kyle’s hand touches mine and we share a look.

When Bianca screams, I can’t contain my laughter. The kids nearest to the explosion of glitter yell with delight and begin dancing in the shower of sparkles that rain down around them.

“Did you do this?” Bianca shrieks, looking directly at me.

“She’s a monster,” Travis tells her sympathetically as he moves to her side and begins brushing her hair and clothes. “A monster, I tell you.”

I shrug, smile, and start laughing again, the joy of the season rolling through me. I’ve never been happier in my life. I’m surrounded by family, both by blood and by choice, and it’s everything I could have dreamed of and more. This is what it’s all about, and I would go through all it all again just to get here.

I feel Kyle’s warm breath on my neck as he leans in and whispers in my ear, “Merry Christmas, my Sunny Sunshine.”
