Page 14 of Destination: Paris

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I pull her ear between my teeth and bite down on it as we both give ourselves over to an earth-shattering orgasm.

"Fuck, yes! Milk my cum from my cock." I thrust into her a few more times before her walls clamp down around me.

I collapse on top of her, pressing her body into the bed with my own. We lie there for a few moments, our breathing evening out as we come down from our orgasms. I roll over to my side, bringing her along with me. Charlotte throws her leg over my hip and plants a kiss directly above my heart.

"I love you," she whispers as her eyes droop closed.

My breath hitches as I pull her tightly into my chest, planting a kiss on the top of her head and sending up a silent prayer that those words were spoken from the heart.



Stretching my arms above my head, I feel a delicious ache permeate through my body before I bring my hands down to the bed and search for Bryce's body beside me, but feel nothing. It's unusual to wake up alone in bed. Bryce’s body is always wrapped around me unless he’s cooking for me. That’s his second favorite thing to do for me. The first is orgasms.

I giggle softly before throwing my legs over the side of the bed and padding into the bathroom, coming to a stop in front of the mirror. My eyes scan my body, taking in the new marks along my collarbone and shoulder where Bryce nipped at my skin. Lifting my arms to pull my hair up, I feel the pull of the muscles in my back and remember how he made me arch in pleasure.

"I'm in so much trouble," I mumble to my reflection.

I grab the fluffy white robe Bryce hung by the door for me and thread my arms through the sleeves before heading back into the room, remembering the three words I mumbled before passing out.

Bryce has done everything to let me know how he feels, except for speaking those last three words my heart is longing to hear. Yeah, he said it in French, but that’s not the same. I want him to shout it from the rooftops.

But who am I to talk? With each passing day, I fall more in love with him, but refuse to admit it.

No one comes across the world to fall in love, let alone in a few weeks. This isn't a fairytale where the prince swoops in and saves the princess from the life she never wanted. This is real life, where I have people counting on me to come home. I have responsibilities to fulfill to my parents, no matter how much it might break my heart to do so.

I want to be with Bryce. I honestly don't care where we live, as long as we're together. We can be here, New York, or Boise, Idaho. If we're together, that's what matters most to me. But how can I ask him to give up all of this and take a chance on our love?

He’s spent every day teaching me his craft before bringing me indescribable pleasure in the bedroom. He’s marked my skin, wanting to show everyone who I belong to. This type of caveman behavior should be a turn-off, but knowing he wants me in such a primal way leaves me wanting more.

He hasn't said the words, but he has made his feelings known since the first night we spent together. I've felt it in the way he caresses my skin. In the way he stares at me as if I'm the most precious gift in the world.

My ears perk up as the tinkling sound of my cell phone reaches my ears. I rush toward the bag Giselle brought from my hotel for me, dumping the entire contents out on the floor but coming up empty.

"Where the hell is it?" I mumble before it rings again, scurrying toward the desk siting in the room's corner.

I pull open every drawer before finding it stuffed under a stack of papers.

"He said he wanted all my attention," I whisper into the empty room before flipping the phone open.

"You’d better be dead or seriously injured!" Maya shouts into the phone, causing me to pull it away from my ear.

"How about thoroughly sexed?"

"Oh, do tell,” she giggles.

I launch into the whole story of meeting Bryce and our whirlwind courtship, if that's what we can even call it.

"I'm not too happy that you told Rory about your hottie before me, but I'll let it slide on one condition,” she says.

I roll my eyes, leaning against the desk. "What's your condition?"

"You name your firstborn after me. I'll settle for a middle name too."

I sigh as I push off the desk and head toward the bedroom door, spying Bryce moving around the kitchen like a man on a mission. My eyes focus on his ass in the painted-on pants he's wearing.

"I wish it was that simple, girlie."
