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I could see it. Could see the frantic rhythm at the base of her slender brown throat. I wondered what such a quick and lovely human song would feel like against the pad of my thumb, under the breadth of my palm...

“Again, I’m sorry,” I said gruffly, passing a hand over my hair, smoothing the braid back. “I truly didn’t mean to scare you. I just wanted to see your space. Then I realized you were asleep in here with no security activated. And I couldn’t have that – any sort of riff-raff could have wandered in here.”

“Clearly,” she said, raising a brow.

Oh, no. She thinks I’m riff-raff. I’ve ruined it.

But a quick grin split her face, and mercy, I was saved. It was rather alarming just how much my mood was already hinging upon Maggie – her reactions. Her impressions of me.

Hell, when I’d first seen her through the shimmer of the holoscreen door, I’d felt the bursting need to impress her. It was instant and primal. It’s why I’d stripped out of my shirt, hoping the pub’s lighting would lend my form a flattering gleam.

I possessed a fine enough form. I just hoped Maggie thought so, too.

It appeared she did, as there was no mistaking the dip of her dark eyes down my torso before she wrenched them back up to my face. I lifted my chin, straightening my shoulders under her gaze. She was a woman of discernment and taste, I could tell.

I could also tell that if Penny could hear my thoughts now, I’d never hear the end of her retorts. “Well, since she has good taste, then you certainly don’t have to worry about her likingyou!”

Thankfully, Penny and her round face and sharp tongue weren’t here.

It was only Maggie and me.

Heat flushed through me as I realized just how small this space was. One step would close the space between us. I cleared my throat, running my hand over my hair once more. Blast, when was the last time I’d felt so...


“So,” I said, spinning on my heel to distract myself. “Much work to be done.”

“You’re telling me.” The response came from directly beside and below me. Maggie had stepped up to my side. She grimaced as she took it all in. “But I’ll make it work. I have to. I mean, I’ve dumped everything I have into getting ready to open. All my savings, everything. I’ll be ready before Christmas.”

Christmas. Only a few weeks away and the station’s busiest season. It would make or break a new business.

She was right. She had to be ready.

“I’ll help you,” I said, nodding to myself, already mentally prioritizing the chores to complete.

“What?! Oh, no, you don’t have to do that! I actually have some friends who are going to help out.”

I cocked my head down to look at Maggie.Portal of the moons, she was a lovely creature. Smooth brown skin painted half with filtering light from the station, half with shadow. A glorious knot of tightly wound curls piled high on the top of her head. Large, long-lashed brown eyes, and a mouth so sweet and smart it could likely kill a man just as easily as it could mend him.

“I’ll help you,” I repeated, crossing my arms and enjoying the flare of giddy pride I felt when her gaze leapt down to the bulge of my biceps. I didn’t care if she had friends to help. For all I knew, her friends could be some ale-addled flibberty gibberty idiots. I doubted Maggie would waste her time with fools, but even so, few species could work for as long and as hard as a motivated orc.

And I was certainly motivated now.

I would get this space ready for Christmas.

For her.
