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Luckily, I had a change of clothes in the kitchen for any baking messes.

“Didn’t think I’d be using my emergency change of clothes for the semen explosion of the century. Seriously, how does one man produce that much fluid?!” I muttered as I stripped out of my soggy clothes.

Archie turned to face me, fully clothed now and grinning wickedly.

“I told you before, Maggie. You’ve landed yourself one very impressive orc.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I laughed. “What will be impressive is seeing this all get cleaned up.”

A gleam entered Archie’s eyes.

“Challenge accepted,” he purred. “Prepare to be impressed.”



Ipiped the chocolateganache in a swirling ribbon around the edge of the fudge torte cake. From the oven in my apartment’s kitchen came the rich, wafting scents of roast Orc-Orok duck, onions, and apples. Penny had come by my bakery to check everything out this morning, and I’d quizzed her on what Archieactuallyliked. She’d caved, throwing up her hands and saying, “Fine, fine. It’s my Christmas gift to him, I suppose. I guess it would be just too cruel to have you make an entire meal of things he didn’t like on Christmas eve. He loves anything with chocolate. Can’t get enough. Roast duck for dinner would be a big hit, too, with apple.”

I smiled, glancing at my data tablet on the counter nearby. It was 11:56pm station time on Christmas Eve. Archie, Penny, and Reg were closing up the pub at midnight tonight, so Archie would be here soon.Technically, when he arrives, it will be Christmas Day.The thought made my insides go all mushy.

I’ve turned into a fucking sap this season, I thought to myself, sighing and finishing up my piped line of ganache. But I didn’t even care. The thought that Archie would be here soon made me deliriously happy. And when I remembered everything that had happened in the storage closet yesterday afternoon... It made me horny, too.

I squeezed my thighs together, hoping he’d get here soon. It had been another amazing, busy, successful day at the bakery today, and after closing, I’d zoomed home for a shower and a nap before waking up around 9pm to get all this food ready. The pub didn’t open until noon tomorrow, and I’d moved my hours for Christmas morning so that I could sleep in a bit.

Which meant plenty of time for...

A knock at the door made me jump. I put down the piping bag and hurried over to open it.

I gulped, taking in Archie standing there. The lights of the hallway gleamed on his long, silken hair. It wasn’t braided, instead brushed smooth and flowing over his shoulders. He wore his usual tight black pants, dress shoes, and a buttery-soft-looking cream-coloured sweater.

“I’ve never seen your hair down like that,” I realized, musing out loud.

Archie’s smile was tender.

“Neither have I.” He stepped forward, skimming his fingertips over the curls that framed my face, worn down tonight instead of in my usual bun. He caught a curl in his fingers and then bent, raising the lock of hair to his mouth. His eyes met mine from below his dark lashes.
