Page 51 of Kismet

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“I am and expect you to respect my mastery.”

She patted his chest. “Of course, honey. I would be happy to shout from the rooftops that you’re not only the biggest, fastest, most intelligent man in all the land but a champion video game player.”

“I’m sensing some snark but will ignore it since I’m still filled with oxytocin and all the other happy sex hormones.”

She moved into his hold. “I have some big feelings for you too.”

Heart skipping, he tilted her chin up. “Really?”

“Yes.” She pressed a kiss to his heart. “You have woven a magic spell that I’m powerless to resist.”

“Just like that?” he asked, repeating her words.

“Yes.” She closed her eyes. “There is no denying that you have dozens of qualities that make you the best candidate to give my heart to.”


“Absolutely.” She raised her hand. “You rarely complain, even when something is worth picking at, and often believe in me more than I do.” She put down a finger. “Your ability to quote Austin Powers is both impressive and slightly disturbing.” Another finger collapsed. “You bring your shield and sword everywhere and never shrink from difficult challenges. And…”

“Good God, woman. If you keep going, my ego will knock down the house.”

“Just one more.” She traced his mouth. “You lift me up. No matter the circumstance.” She kissed his cheek. “Would you like me to list the ones I’m not so fond of?”

“Nah, we can save those for another time.” He pulled her closer. “I think love is a verb, and while I don’t have much experience, I know that it is a continual choice, and I plan on doing my best to choose you every day.”

“Same,” she replied quietly. “And I love you too.”

He crushed her against his chest and silently thanked kismet for allowing their two souls to find one another.


The following day, Teague stood in his garage and wiped the sweat off his neck, knowing the second half of his workout would be a struggle.

“Hey, handsome. Love the fit.”

Turning, he saw Tancy cut across the grass that separated their homes. “Are you commenting on my level of fitness?”

“I’m complementing your hoochie daddy shorts.” She sauntered into the garage and walked around him slowly. “I should catcall you because it would be a shame not to pay the proper respect to those seven-inch seams.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Your short shorts are a blessing that both myself and the women in the neighborhood are grateful for. Did you know that they often time their walks so they can see your workout?”

“You have lost your mind.”

“Not even a little bit.” She ran her hand over his thigh and laughed. “I hope they won’t be too distraught now that we’ve become more than friends.”

He pulled her against his chest. “Do you plan on letting them know that you’ve taken me off the market?”

“Should I?”

“If you meant what you said last night, there’s only one answer.”

“I said a lot of things.” She bit her bottom lip. “Was it about your sheets? Because I haven’t changed my mind and believe we need another set if we spend more than one night a week in your bed.”

“It wasn’t about the sheets.”

“Oh.” She moved closer. “Then was it about what an incredible lover you are? Because you truly are the perfect combination of sweet and dirty. But that’s not something I want to share with anyone.”
