Page 69 of Kismet

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She stood, smoothed out her kitty pajamas, and strode toward the door. When she swung it open, her mouth fell open a little. “I don’t remember ordering a Dolce and Gabbana runway model.”

A man with a deep laugh rocked back on his heels. “That was pretty specific.”

“It’s an underappreciated talent of mine.” She gave the beautiful man a once over. “Thank God, I have an incredibly handsome boyfriend. Otherwise, I would be slinging inappropriate quips.”

“I’m gonna assume the lucky guy is my swim buddy, Teague.”


“You must be Jax.”


She straightened out her pajamas. “I’ve heard several stories about you over the last couple of years.”

“Was I the hero in the story, or was he?”

“I’d say it was fifty, fifty.”

“Fair enough.”

She put out her hand. “I’m Tancy, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you.” He looked over his shoulder. “Any chance you can tell me where I might find Teague? His cousin, Rorke, told me that he was likely here if I didn’t find him at home.”

A shiny blue truck pulled into her driveway before she could answer, and she wondered why her house was suddenly the hot spot for retired SEALs. Miles got out of his vehicle, and she couldn’t imagine what brought the man who was a dead ringer for a Viking to her house at eight am. Before she could ask, she watched Miles jog toward Jax.”

“Brother,” Miles said before embracing Jax.

Watching the men made her wish Teague was home to participate in the reunion. When they were done slapping one another on the back, she waved to Miles. “What brings you by?”

“Teague called me last night and told me to take you to court since he’s stuck at the farm.”

“That’s not necessary. All the excitement happened yesterday. It will just be procedural today.”

“I can run back up,” Jax offered.

“Neither of you need to do a thing.” She crossed her arms. “Go out to the farm and visit with Teague.”

“Are you sure?” Miles asked. “I’d be happy to watch your six.”


“Alright, if you’re sure.” Miles slapped Jax on the back. “Looks like we’re going to take a road trip.”

“Awesome.” Jax waved to Tancy. “Nice meeting you.”

“You as well.” She watched the men climb into Miles's truck and guessed that Teague’s weekend just got a whole lot better.

“What was all that about?” Nathan asked as he walked up.

“SEAL reunion. They’re heading out to visit with Teague.”

“Good for them.” He brushed his hair out of his eyes. “Do you need me to go to court with you today?”

“I wouldn’t mind it.”

He gave her a once over. “You are planning to change, right?”
